Ukiah social media has been buzzing with talk of malfunctioning traffic lights at the intersection of Perkins Street and Orchard Avenue. Ukiah City Councilwoman Mo Mulheren addressed the infrastructural issue today saying, “If you’ve been wondering about the timing of the signal at Perkins and Orchard, we have had to call out a contractor to get it fixed. The team is having to reset it manually for now. Thank you for your patience, we are getting it fixed ASAP.”
Councilwoman Mulheren explained drivers have been experiencing “long waits” where the lights are not “being reactive to traffic flow” but “reverting to timing based.” She explained that his has resulted in sitting “through a light even if there aren’t cars where it should turn red that direction and let the lanes with traffic turn green.”

Councilwoman Mulheren said the issue has been happening for about a week and the City has had to call in a company from the Bay Area to come and fix the sensor. Technicians should be in Ukiah on Monday, July 20 to address the issue, she added.
Ukiah residents can always report civic issues from malfunctioning traffic lights to graffiti using the app iWorQ. According to the City of Ukiah website, the app provides “a simple and intuitive platform empowering residents to identify civic issues (public safety, quality of life, environmental issues, etc.) and report them to city hall for quick evaluation.” The app is available for both Apple and Android phones. Ukiah residents need to download the app and register with the city’s agency code which is “Ukiah01”
If any Ukiah resident who is unable to access a smart phone would like to report a civic issue, call Ukiah City Hall at (707)463-6200 to report your concerns.