Whenever Mendocino County Public Health publishes a new COVID-19 infographic, MendoFever will compare and contrast the data with the previous infographic in hopes to shed light on trends associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in Mendocino County.
The following statement accompanied tonight’s updated dashboard:
9 additional cases of COVID-19 have been identified in Mendocino County, bringing the total to 331.
?Most significant information gained from this evening’s infographic update provided by Mendocino County Public Health:
?All nine of today’s cases originate in the “Ukiah Valley”.
?The majority of today’s can be traced to “close contact” between individuals.
?60% of individuals in Mendocino County who have tested positive of COVID-19 are from the Latino/Hispanic community.
?Analysis of that data represented in today’s infographic with yesterday’s:
??????Demographics: Cases amongst the Hispanic/Latino Community increased by four going from 193 to 197, cases amongst the white community increased by one going from 50 to 51, and four of the new cases are demographically “unreported”.
??Age Ranges: One of the new cases is between the ages of “13-18”, three of the new cases are from the ages of “19-34”, three of the new cases are from the “50-64” age range, and two of the new cases are associated with the “65+” age range.
?? Gender of Infected: 157 of the infected are men(47%) 174 are women(53%).
?Source of Infection: The “close contact” category has increased by seven growing from 145 to 152. The “community spread” category has increased by one growing from 38 to 39.The number of cases under investigation have increased by one moving from 113 to 114.
?Region of Cases: All nine of today’s cases originate in the “Ukiah Valley”.
????Status of Patients: The number of Mendocino County residents in isolation increased by four one from 62 to 66. The number of patients in the hospital sustained for a total of 10. There are no patients in the intensive care unit. There has been a total of 331 individuals in Mendocino County who have tested positive for COVID-19. There are a total of 76 active COVID-19 cases.
?Testing: Comparing and contrasting testing numbers suggests all nine of today’s cases were discovered in commercial labs. The amount of tests pending is 2,341.