The information in this article is from initial reports and will be updated as the situation evolves
Scanner traffic indicates the Wolf incident is currently burning northeast of Clearlake Oaks. Personnel on the scene are describing the incident as a 15-20 acre grass fire with a moderate rate of spread burning near the 3000 block of Wolf Creek Road and Doe Trail.
According to the scanner traffic, power lines are down, multiple explosions have been reported, and structures are threatened near Doe Trail.
UPDATE: 3:44 pm
Cal Fire LNU provided more information on the fire via Twitter: “Fire is approximately 15 acres. No evacuations at this time. Crews will be in the area working. Expect delays if traveling in the area.”

UPDATE: 3:55 pm
Scanner reports indicate the Wolf Incident is holding at 15 acres and the north side of the fire is inaccessible by ground personnel.
UPDATE: 4:00 pm
Personnel told the dispatcher a Wolf Creek Road resident reported a propane tank explosion on the 3000 block of Wolf Creek Road.
UPDATE: 4:05 pm
Scanner reports indicate tankers are being released from the Wolf Incident returning to the August Complex.
UPDATE: 4:18 pm
Fire personnel requested the dispatcher cancel all resources not at scene.