Saturday, September 14, 2024

PG&E Outlines Mendocino County Infrastructure Upgrades Designed to Reduce Scope & Duration of Power Shut Offs


The following is a statement issued by Pacific Gas & Electric:

We know how disruptive it is to be without power, especially during COVID-19 when many people are working and learning from home. Our focus this year has been on reducing the number of customers affected by Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events and shortening the length of time power is off.

To make events smaller in size, we have:

  • Installed new equipment on our lines to limit the size of outages
  • Prepared substations to receive generators to keep power on in some areas
  • Improved weather modeling for more accurate forecasts

To make events shorter in length, we have:

  • Nearly doubled our helicopter fleet from 35 to 65
  • Added two airplanes with infrared cameras capable of patrolling at night
  • Deployed more PG&E crews for inspection and restoration efforts and utilized mutual assistance from other utility companies

To make events smarter, we have:

  • Updated customer notifications to provide more details sooner
  • Improved our website to offer higher bandwidth and better information
  • Dedicated extra help for customers with medical or independent living needs, who are low income, and/or have limited English proficiency
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  1. Just the greatest energy provider in the state, when the flames are licking the side of your home, and you have cut off the pwr, so we cant squirt water on our homes, you had a gas leak for years in San Bruno people complained but it fell on deaf ears, then it exploded!
    Now we are supposed to say wow look what you have done, for us. tell the folks in San Bruno that still fighting with insurance companies, to get their homes replaced, and you are up here building weather stations!


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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