The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office:

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office recognizes this year’s United States Presidential election to be one of the most emotionally charged elections in the history of the United States of America.
The voting process is one of the fundamental elements of America’s democracy.
The Sheriff’s Office is encouraging individuals to express their right of choice/expression through their vote and to not engage in any non-peaceful behavior that could lead to acts of violence or civil disorder in our communities.
The Sheriff’s Office will continue to respect everyone’s First Amendment Right as outline by the United States Constitution but make this recommendation with the health and safety of everyone in mind.
Sheriff’s Deputies will be providing extra patrol activities in the polling locations open throughout Mendocino County during the November 3rd election day.
It is the hope that these extra patrols will dissuade any acts of intimidation or violence in connection with voting activities.