The following is a portion of a November 6, 2020 press release from the Fort Bragg Police Department that summarized over five separate incidents FBPD navigated throughout the week. MendoFever has split the entries into separate articles to make them easier to navigate.
The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On 11/05/2020, at approximately 0940 hours, an Officer of the Fort Bragg Police Department made a traffic enforcement stop on a vehicle occupied by three documented criminal street gang members. During the stop, the driver of the vehicle, 20-year old, Carlos Garcia, of Fort Bragg, was arrested on a felony warrant related to a previous gang incident. Additionally, a 17-year old passenger was found to be in possession of an approximately 12-inch long bowie style knife secreted inside of his pants. The 17-year old passenger was arrested for violation of California Penal Code Section 21310. A second 12-inch bowie knife and a replica firearm were recovered as well. Both Garcia and the juvenile passenger were transported to County Jail and Juvenile Hal.