The following is a statement released on the Mendocino County Public Health Facebook page:

SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21ST, 2020 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Mendocino Coast Clinic 205 South Street, Fort Bragg
It’s free, anonymous, and you do not have to quarantine while waiting your test results. OPEN TO ALL.
***Please get tested if you or anyone else around you has a connection to Noyo Harbor Inn in Fort Bragg, whether it be by means of employment, or a visit to the Inn or Restaurant within the last 2 weeks.
Noyo Harbor Inn has FULLY cooperated with Mendocino County Public Health in slowing the spread of this outbreak. They have sanitized their facility, have closed their restaurant until further notice, and are continuing to work with Public Health to ensure their business is as safe as possible. This business has proven to be an excellent example for the rest of the community in their proactive and rapid response to this outbreak.
“In the spirit of the health, safety and security of our guests and staff as well as transparency with our community, we want to share that 2 employees recently tested positive for COVID-19. Their health is good with no serious symptoms. As a proactive measure, we are temporarily shutting down the restaurant while we work with County Health to adequately trace and test, and to ensure that when we do reopen everything is as safe as is possible. Please know that we take the health of our staff, guests, and community very seriously, and everyone’s well-being remains our top priority.” -Scott Schneider, Manager of Noyo Harbor Inn