Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Mendocino Sheriff Announces Agency Will Not Be Enforcing State Mandated Curfews


The following is a statement issued by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office on their Facebook page:

I wanted to talk to you today about the potential impending mandates from the State level on mandatory curfew. I’d like to let all the residents of Mendocino County know that the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office will not be enforcing compliance of any health or emergency orders related to curfews.

What does this mean? It means we won’t be being making compliance checks of businesses, homes or making contact with individuals who are out between the hours of 10:00 pm to 5:00 am specifically due to these new curfew mandates.

Will we be responding to regular calls for service? Yes, of course.

Callers with COVID-19 related issues will be directed to the County Health Call Center at (707) 472-2759 for assistance. If you prefer email, you can contact

I’d like to emphasize we will continue to respond to calls 24/7 as we always have when there are threats to public safety.

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I encourage the people of Mendocino County to stay vigilant and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following the rules established to keep you safe. These would include the six feet of separation, masking, and washing of hands and using sanitizers when possible.

All of us at the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office would like to wish everyone a wonderful and meaningful holiday season.

Thank you,

Sheriff Matt Kendall

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  1. Has anyone been out in our town during these curfew hours to see that no one is actually out? In any case there’s no magical pool of resources that will help the Sheriff enforce anything. We have a small amount of time to endure where we should just do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. We’ve already lost too many dear friends and loved ones. Criticizing the Governor and the Sheriff isn’t helpful. Stop wasting energy on this and put your thoughts and efforts towards helping. Support those who have lost their loved ones. Protect the most vulnerable still living. Appreciate essential workers. They are doing the best that they can with extremely limited resources.

  2. Thankfully local law isn’t wrapped up in the unreasonable insanity of our current state “leadership”. Police state with everyone locked in their homes like prisoners has long been a goal of certain entities. A population imprisoned in their homes and strictly overseen in their minute-to-minute daily life is a population easy to control (at first, long enough to get their money). Stay home. Spend every penny you have on every “emergency” that the powers can come up with. Let the “environmentalists” stop the logging, fuel removal and controlled burns for decades until the state goes up in flames; then blame the “corporations” like PG&E. Get them to spend every dollar on “emergency rations and supplies” for power-outs (sending 10’s of millions of dollars upwards).
    Scare them to death with a virus with a 99% survival rate, get them to spend every last penny of their savings on masks, sanitizers, paper supplies, food surpluses; sending 100’s of millions of dollars upwards. Then lock them in their homes. Poor as paupers. Creating a massive divide between the rich and newly-poor. Now add to the hysteria by creating race wars through divisive media techniques. Fear. Hysteria. Anger. Lock down. Now sit back and watch over the next 12 months as people go completely crazy with this combination of ingredients, while they’re isolated in home-prisons, as it turns into a violent civil war on our streets. Nothing new; been done all through history.
    Corona virus stats are widely manipulated. Everybody knows somebody who was listed as “positive” only to be later found “negative” by some mistake (lost results, tests mixed up etc)…but already added to the statistics, or has a relative already on the brink of death who got Corona last minute and died (but added to stats as “Corona-related).
    Manipulation. Sad and frustrating to watch how extreme fear makes people so gullible they believe nonsensical things: “Wear masks and stay 6 ft apart during your Thanksgiving, but remove masks and sit 2 feet apart while you eat, then masks back on” (um yeah that makes sense)…..”Stay out all day and work shoulder to shoulder, but don’t go out after 10pm, because you’ll catch it after 10pm” (um yeah that makes sense). Ignore the 99% survival rate (or go to fear-mongering media and let them convince you 99% isn’t true). Ignore most of the deaths are of people who were already dying, ignore that the same number of same-state-of-health-issues die every year when they get flus and colds.
    …”Live in fear. Spend your money. Isolate yourself. Good little robots. Now…give me all your money, go broke, let the financial burden an isolation push you into insanity, then run out into the streets and fight. Assault. Kill. Bring the population down to small numbers. Small numbers are easy to control.”…
    Thankfully there are enough good people, wise people, keen on the division-tactics and who’s behind them, to stay rational, sane, and keep on keeping-on with normal everyday life. And a sharp eye on the ridge tops.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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