The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County District Attorney’s Office:

Defendant Alexis Fabian Navarette, 19, of Ukiah, entered guilty pleas to
two felonies which could will* end in a state prison sentence of 10 years.
In one case, the defendant stands convicted of shooting a firearm at an occupied motor vehicle, a felony. He also admitted a sentencing enhancement that the shooting was done for the benefit of a criminal street gang, to wit, the local Sureno criminal street gang.
On Nov. 11, 2019, Ukiah Police Department investigated reports of shots have had been fired at an occupied motor vehicle in the area of Helen Avenue and Observatory Avenue. The police investigation ended in the arrest of Navarette. In the second case, the defendant now stands convicted of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol causing bodily injury, a felony.
On Dec. 2, 2019, Navarette was identified by the California Highway Patrol as the driver of a motor vehicle involved in a collision on Mill Creek Road near The Dams. A passenger in the vehicle sustained a head injury. The defendant’s blood alcohol was over .08, the legal limit, at the time of the collision.
Navarette will be formally sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 18, 2020.
The law enforcement agencies that developed the evidence to convict the defendant on both cases were the Ukiah Police Department and the California Highway Patrol. The prosecuting attorney is Senior Deputy District Attorney Scott McMenomey.
*The original press release described how Navarette “could” be sentenced to 10 years in state prison for his crimes. Upon clarification from commenter DA Dave, which MendoFever is assuming is the one and only Mendocino County District Attorney Dave Eyster, “could” has been changed to “will.”
In the course of Mendo Fever’s properly borrowing information from the Mendocino County District Attorney’s Facebook page regarding violent gangster Alexis Fabian Navarette and his convictions, secondary editing has unfortunately altered the DA’s original message.
The Mendo Fever article above says the defendant’s convictions “could” end in a state prison sentence of 10 years. As originally written, the defendant’s convictions WILL result in a state prison sentence of 10 years. DDA McMenomey left nothing to chance or to judicial discretion and required the defendant and his counsel stipulate to a 10 year sentence — no more and no less. Thank you for letting us clarify.
Thanks for the clarification DA Dave. I will edit the article accordingly. Appreciate the District Attorney’s willingness to share the results of local trials and letting MendoFever recirculate their press releases.