Friday, January 24, 2025

Laytonville Residents Report Booms So Loud They Shook Homes


Residents of Laytonville are reporting as many as three large booms echoing above the town this evening at approximately 9:00 p.m.

Residents from across Laytonville reported hearing the booms. One commenter said the booms sound like they were “coming from town.”

One commenter said the boom was so loud it shook their home.

Anyone got an explanation?

From the Laytonville/branscomb community awareness Facebook Page
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  1. Fire works are going to be more common as the holiday season approaches. You may care but a lot of people really dont. seems they are the majority. you an i are the minority. Yes the county has a fire works law, try an enforce it. they dont have resources for that type of annoyance.

  2. Fireworks laws yes. Enforcement not so much. In our neighborhood every 4th of July we have fireworks everywhere, literally 30-foot-high mushrooming fireworks such as we’ve seen at the Fairgrounds through the years (where are people buying these?)
    Because of so-called “drought” conditions (don’t get me started on wine-grape growers and dope-growers being allowed millions of gallons and sucking our creeks dry), half the city residents now let their lawns go dry (because of absurd $53-a-month-for-12-months penalty fees for using “too much” water).
    Bone dry lawns, bone-dry fencing everywhere because of aging, and the inconsiderate selfish types all around us blast off fireworks on the 4th..and the week after….and the week after…and on into the holiday season).
    Consequences? Our calls to law enforcement do little good. Police show up. Council the offenders. Police leave. Offenders go back to blasting. Police are overwhelmed by dozens of calls, cannot keep up. More notably, they can’t actually *do anything* about it because local officials in the higher-up positions will not….will not….mandate stricter laws/ordinances with stricter *consequences* for breaking the laws on fireworks use. (caught blasting a firework, go to jail, no exceptions….would put a stop to it). Will that happen? Nope. Possibly in the horrible event such as one of the homes of one of our reps burns down, and/or one of their loved ones is in one of those homes and, God forbid, is injured or dies as a result of fireworks-caused house fire. “…fireworks really are a serious threat”…
    Aside from that happening, and prayers it never will, Good Luck on present or future enforcement and/or additional consequences to selfish could-be-murderers blasting dangerous fireworks.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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