The following press release was issued by the County of Mendocino:

Last week, the County of Mendocino successfully responded to an unanticipated arrival of over one thousand members of the public to a vaccination event at the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds. The event was designed to serve Phase 1a, 1b and Tier 1 vaccine candidates, and not the general public.
“Thankfully, we were able to vaccinate or reschedule the approximately 1,200 individuals who came to the Fairgrounds,” notes Vaccine Project Manager Adrienne Thompson.
To date, according to Mendocino County Public Health Officer Dr. Andrew Coren, the county has vaccinated 5,970 individuals. This figure does not include the numbers of people vaccinated through hospitals, pharmacies or Indian Health Centers, all of which receive their own allotments of vaccine.
“This translates to almost 10% of the county’s population over 18 years of age. We are very proud that we have utilized every vaccine we’ve received during the week we received it. The demand for vaccine far exceeds the supply we are able to access from the State at this time. We fully understand this causes frustration and congestion, and we ask for your patience,” Dr. Coren continues.
The number of phone calls to the county’s vaccine call center have increased exponentially.
“The public and employers are rightfully seeking information about how and when to get vaccinated,” Thompson continues. “Staff is working diligently to return every call and answer every email.”
To respond to the increased call volume, additional staff are being added to the call center team. “We are also enlisting contractors to answer the phones and help shorten our response time.”
In addition, the county’s newly-created vaccine webpage will contain the most up-to-date information about vaccination events. Thompson notes this page and the county’s social media pages are the best way for the public to stay informed.
“We’d like to encourage the public to visit our web page or social media pages, so that those in outlying areas and folks who don’t use the internet can reach someone through the call center.”
“We will be posting the locations and guidelines for all vaccination events and updating the page on Friday nights by 5:00 pm and more often, if necessary,” says Thompson. The page will soon contain an online scheduling portal, enabling residents to make vaccination appointments.
“Please bear with us just a bit longer,” says Thompson. “Our goal is to provide transparency in our operations, clarity in our communication and safety for our residents. We are grateful for the public’s patience as we continue to refine and greatly expand our vaccination program.”
The California Department of Public Health and the CDC have a wealth of information regarding Covid-19 and vaccines. The CDC has specific information sheets on the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Mendocino County has a fact sheet outlining the latest information on vaccines.
For more information, visit the county’s Covid-19 page, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. The county’s Call Center is staffed from 8:30-5:00 pm Monday through Friday at (707) 472-2759. For vaccine-specific questions and information, phone (707) 472-2663 or email DOC
I wonder what the so called “ethics” committee thinks about some people getting vaccinated who do not meet the Phase and Tier requirements in this County? I personally know people who are being vaccinated who don’t meet that criterion.
When can grocery workers get a vaccine? They are the most exposed and not very well protected. They could spread this very fast.