There are at least two separate vehicle accidents on or near the Willits Grade as of 4:43 p.m. The following information was garnered through a combination of the California Highway Patrol Traffic Incident Information page and scanner traffic.
On the top of the grade near the intersection of Highway 101 and the Calfire Howard Forest Fire Station where a gray Lexus and gray Chevrolet Malibu suffered major front end damage. It is unclear whether the two vehicles collided or if the Lexus ran into an embankment and then the Malibu ran into the Lexus. A tow truck is on scene.
South of the Ridgewood Grade near mile marker 39 a vehicle is reported to have flipped over on the northbound side of Highway 101. At 4:25 p.m. it was reported that a subject was stuck inside the vehicle and it is unclear whether the individual has been extracted.
UPDATE 4:49 p.m.
Willits resident Nikey Nikon provided images of the emergency personnel gathered on the Willits Grade as they address the various traffic collisions.