Mendocino County’s Chief Executive Officer Carmel Angelo has confirmed that the State of California has redesignated Mendocino County from the “Purple” tier to the “Red” tier.
CEO Angelo told us Mendocino County was informed by the state today, the state is supposed to officially announced it tomorrow, and the new guidelines will be put into effect on Sunday, March 14, 2021.
According to the State of California’s Blueprint for a Safe Economy, COVID-19’s presence in Mendocino County has been reduced from “widespread” to “substantial.’
This redesignation comes in the wake of multiple weeks of diminishing cases with a current average Daily Positive Case rate at 5.49. This puts Mendocino County well-below the Red Tier Maximum of 10 cases/100,000 and, in fact, closer to the orange tier that begins at 3.9 Daily Positive Cases
As per California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, the following restrictions are relaxed when a county is redesignated to the “Red” tier:
- Restaurants can accommodate indoor dining at 25% of maximum capacity “or 100 people, whichever is fewer.”
- Gyms and fitness centers can open indoors, allowing 10% capacity and use of climbing walls.
- Malls and retail outlets can accommodate customers at 50% of their capacity.
- Museums and movie theatres can reopen at 25% capacity.
- Aquariums can return to indoor activities at 25% capacity.
The industries still closed include amusement parks, bowling allies, indoor playgrounds, and saunas/steam rooms.