The following is a press release issued by the Fort Bragg Police Department:

The Fort Bragg Police Department would like to remind the citizens of the community that the Police Department has a trespass letter program available. The department has always had this program but intends on expanding it.
Fillable trespass letters can be acquired any of the following ways: They can be found on the city’s website, obtained from an Officer, or obtained by contacting the front office staff at the department. These forms can also be mailed or electronically mailed to those that live out of the area but own property within the city limits.
There are two types of letters:
- General Trespassing Letters which allow Officers to advise individuals of trespassing and make arrests on behalf of the property/business owner.
- Individual Trespassing Letters identify specific individual who are prohibited from being on the property.
These trespassing letters expire after one year and must be renewed annually. Our department maintains a spreadsheet of the active trespassing letters on file. Starting this week, we have expanded the program to include notifying individuals and businesses via phone that letters are within 30 days of expiring.
Typically, once completed, a businesses or individual will submit a trespassing letter, which would allow police to take enforcement action on their behalf. These requests are usually associated with transient activity.
Our department is currently in the process of auditing expired trespassing letters and notifying property owners via phone that their trespassing letters are no longer active.
Questions regarding this press release or the trespassing program may be directed to Community Service Holaway; at (707) 961-2800 ext. 127 or at department email