The following press release was issued by the City of Ukiah:

The City of Ukiah will be holding a virtual public comment meeting to discuss the Riverside Park Regeneration Project on April 1st at 6:30 PM. Links to the meeting will be posted on the City’s website, on the Parks and Recreation Facebook Page and at the end of this notice.
The City of Ukiah was awarded a 2017 Urban Rivers Grant from the CA Natural Resources Agency to clean up and restore a major section of Riverside Park. The Melton Design Group presented the winning bid on the project. A draft plan for the project prepared by the Melton Design Group will be presented and provide an opportunity for questions and comments from the public.
Historically, the Riverside Park location was used as a waste water treatment plant, a corporation yard, and as a shooting range. All of these activities contributed waste materials that have been left unattended for more than a decade. The Riverside Floodplain Regeneration Project will reshape the contours of the site to restore a productive, diverse and multi-benefit floodplain, and remove a remnant pit and berm areas creating a wide, multi-level system of wet meadows, floodplain wetlands, and spring pools.
Over 2500 cubic yards of debris, primarily asphalt and concrete, is expected to be removed. Restoration will be accomplished through the addition of soil amendments, weed management and micro-grading. Along with the reintroduction of native plants, interpretive signage and citizen science opportunities will be added along with improvements to the existing trails.
The Melton Design Group has completed environmental documents and developed a “Basis of Design” document from which a Master plan will be developed. Landscape designers from the Melton Design Group will present the basis of design document and will be joined by City staff to receive comment and field questions. Public comment will be incorporated into the final plan. For more information call Neil Davis, Program Administrator at 707-467-5764 or email