MichaelSavage.com, the website for the Bay Area-based conservative radio show host, used a significant portion of MendoFever’s article documenting the April 1 Ukiah Police Department use of force and the video of the circumstance with no attribution this week.
More interestingly, the website attempted to co-opt Gerardo Magdaleno’s beating into the right-wing narrative that white people are beaten by cops too by titling the article, “WATCH – Won’t See This on CNN – Cops tase, pepper spray, beat up naked white man.” It is important to note that Magdaleno is Hispanic which is typically classified as a person of color.

Michael Savage has made a career of providing conservative commentary on his radio show “The Savage Nation.” The Southern Poverty Law Center claims Savage believes in the white genocide conspiracy theory, which asserts white people are being exterminated in a “cultural genocide.”
We stumbled upon MichaelSavage.com’s plagiarism of our content when reviewing the YouTube analytics of our video depicting Magdaleno’s beating and noticed approximately 1,000 of the video’s views could be sourced back to MichaelSavage.com. We would be more appreciative of the increased traffic if nearly our entire article hadn’t been lifted word for word without even a link to the original post.
The MichaelSavage.com post hyperlinks to another website called VidMax.com that also features MendoFever’s first article describing the use of force incident without attribution. According to MediaBiasFactCheck.com, “Vidmax is an anonymous video publishing service. Most of these videos feature shocking or disturbing content
Savage isn’t even his real last name… It’s Wiener… no joke. This guy is the biggest liar in the State of California. I am not surprised by his actions.
As to what color the perp is,look at the photo. he aint brown or black or any other shade. in fact he looks kinda white. maybe he is white. you can call salt pepper but its still salt.
Dude, you are such a dumbass, or just a sockpuppet like so many that reply here. Do you even live in Mendocino County?
So basically this is a non story. VidMax takes your story without attributing it, Michael Savage runs the story attributing it to VidMax and your story is all about Michael Savage?!?
Fact Check: 100% agenda driven article.
My agenda? To expect good journalistic practice. Both VidMax and MichaelSavage.com failed to attribute my work.
Your article states Savage got it from VidMax who did not attiribute it to you. You state that Savage did attribute the story to VidMax where he got the story from. Yet you attack Savage. Agenda can’t be more clear than that. Journalistic integrity 0% …
Matt you had the first story or fact or news, days before big city plagerizers got your story, journalism is doomed,by quick buck stories, you did the work an he gets the credit, sounds too familiar.