Monday, September 16, 2024

City of Ukiah Awarded Over $3 Million to Extend Great Redwood Trail Two Miles South


The following is a press release issued by the City of Ukiah:

[Image from Senator Mike McGuire’s Facebook page]

The City of Ukiah has been awarded $3,563,212, from the California Natural Resources Agency’s Urban Greening program to extend the Great Redwood Trail an additional two miles to the south from Airport Park Blvd to Taylor Lane. 

The funds will allow construction of a class I multi-use bike path with native plant landscaping using reclaimed water for irrigation. When completed the Ukiah section of the Great Redwood Trail will be a little over four miles long extending from Brush Street to Taylor Lane. The City will once again partner with North Coast Opportunities (NCO). NCO staff will oversee volunteer and CA Conservation Corps workers to provide education, job training, and community engagement. 

According to City Manager Sage Sangiacomo the project will provide a short-term boost to the local economy as it is constructed, and a long-term boost as it helps to attract tourists and increases property values along the neglected corridor. “Unfortunately, there is no expectation of the railroad returning, so it’s critically important that we quickly transition this corridor to a beneficial community amenity” stated Sangiacomo. “This project will help us immensely in the transition from a blighted area to linear park that is part of the Great Redwood Trail.” 

Senator McGuire first introduced the idea of the Great Redwood Trail in 2018 and stated “This once-in-a-generation project will convert a decaying railway into a 300 mile world-class destination for hikers, cyclists and nature lovers here at home and from across the globe… and will become the longest rail-trail in America and be a significant economic driver” for the community.”  

The new section of trail will include connections to shopping facilities in Airport Park and provide safe non-motorized travel options to residents living on the south end of the City. Ukiah Vecinos en Accion was a strong advocate for the project. “This project will help to address some of the inequities that have traditionally been a problem in how we allocate infrastructure resources. It’s important that we have safe facilities for our entire community,” stated Mayor Juan Orozco.  

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Assembly Bill 74 (Chapter 23, Statutes of 2019) allocated $30 million from the Greenhous Gas Reduction Fund to the Natural Resources Agency for green infrastructure projects that reduce GHG emissions and provide multiple benefits. This project will help reduce greenhouse gasses by reducing vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and through carbon sequestration. North Coast Opportunities’ Sonja Burgal will lead volunteers with help from the CA Conservation Corps to plant over 200 native trees to reduce carbon and provide shade for users. “The City of Ukiah is committed to doing all we can to address the effects of Climate Change,” stated Program Administrator Neil Davis. “This represents a significant increase in the city’s shade canopy and is part of how we’re working to support and enhance our urban forest.” 

For more information or assistance with registration please call the City of Ukiah Community Services Department at 467-5764 or email

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  1. How much good air will a strip of trees produce, the width of the right of way. is everybody a uc graduate? if so remind me not to attend i will be wasting my time as well as my money.

  2. THEY COULD HAVE USED THAT MONEY, FOR FIRE CONTROL STATIONS! or a lake to store water in, its like the train from sac. to pahrump. where nobody rides to nowhere!


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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