The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District Drought Preparedness Campaign:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
For week 8 of the 2021 Drought Preparedness Campaign, we ask that you focus on water conservation on your landscape. Outdoor water use accounts for over 50% of summer consumption at most residences. By focusing on keeping your trees and shrubs alive, and not thriving, we can make a difference in our communities during this drought. Work with your landscape contractor to adjust the irrigation schedule so your valuable trees and shrubs can survive but not thrive through this drought.
“Survive not Thrive”
Strategies to keep your trees and shrubs alive:
- Spread mulch around the base of each plant
- Water before or after sunset to minimize evaporation
- Use drip emitters or hand watering instead of sprinklers
- Use bucket water from shower or basin water from kitchen sink.*
- *Note that bleach, meat, and dairy should not be present in the sink water used on plants.
Let your lawn go brown.
Do not water the lawn this year. Most turf lawns will turn brown during the summer, but will revitalize when fall and winter rains arrive. The water saved can be used to keep trees and shrubs alive.
Water conservation is serious.
Take it personally.
Take action now.
These weekly messages are geared to be simple to practice by each of us. Please share this with your family, friends, neighbors, landscape contractors, and customers to make water conservation a daily part of our lives. Water conservation is more important than ever this year.
For more information about the drought and water conservation, visit:
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