The Tomki Fire, burning since yesterday between Willits and Redwood Valley, held overnight at 20 acres, and according to Cal Fire Captain Leah Simmons-Davis is now 40% contained. Captain Simmons-Davis told us today fire personnel will be working to strengthen firelines and continue interior extinguishment.
The Tomki fire began yesterday at approximately 10:00 a.m. burning in heavily timbered terrain on the uphill side of Tomki Road in a canyon north of Redwood Valley. Across the canyon from the Tomki Fire is the Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.

Captain Simmons-Davis told us the Tomki Incident Commander reported this morning that forward progress has been stopped and no changes are expected today.
Reflecting on yesterday’s battle against the blaze, Captain Simmons-Davis characterized the terrain as steep and access to the area difficult. The fire zone contains heavy fuels and lies on private property. Firefighters were able to gain access to the area after the private landowner provided access to the property.

Fire personnel utilized significant air resources yesterday when access to the property proved difficult. Captain Simmon-Davis said four fixed-wing aircraft responded as well as two helicopters. These air resources were utilized in the early hours of the fire while fire personnel was gaining ground access to the blaze.

Today, a total of five fire engines, two water tenders, and three hand crews are responding to the incident. Captain Simmons-Davis said one of the hand crews was provided by the National Guard and the other two are from the California Department of Corrections.
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