Friday, September 13, 2024

As Drought Deepens, County of Mendocino Calls on Residents to Decrease Water Use


The following is a press release issued by the County of Mendocino:

Redwood Valley’s water supply, Lake Mendocino, during the last drought, 2013. [Picture provided by Evan Johnson]

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors passed a Drought Declaration on April 20, 2021 due to worsening drought conditions across the region. The drought declaration requests all local water suppliers to implement their local water shortage contingency plans and urges all residents to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 20%.

The majority of residents within the County of Mendocino rely on groundwater to meet their residential, agricultural and industrial needs. Surface water diversions from the Eel River through the Potter Valley Project and Russian River are also used to meet water demands. Both sources are currently vulnerable due to the current and forecasted ongoing drought conditions and we ask everyone to do their part to reduce their water use.

Some simple water-saving ideas you can practice at home:

  • Let lawns go brown or replace the lawns with artificial turf
  • Plant drought tolerant species
  • Water deeply and less often and use mulch to minimize evaporation
  • Use a broom instead of hose to clean driveways and patios
  • Install water-saving showerheads and take shorter showers – five minutes or less
  • Turn water off when brushing teeth and washing hands
  • Check faucets, sinks, toilets and showers for leaks and repair promptly if necessary

For more water conservation tips as well as a detailed guide on how to identify and measure leaks in your home please visit the County Drought and Water Conservation Website:

If you have any further questions, please call the Drought Hotline: (707) 234-6363.

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  1. While everybody is trying to conserve water, brown backyards an fewer showers an no carwashing, our goverment is letting water flow out of our lakes an water storage, at a rapid rate, Golf courses winerys an big grows, have not demonstrated any conservation effort..
    You should lead by example

  2. Just take shorter showers so the wealthy property owners can keep their pool, hot tubs and huge lawns. Pot growers are also a good example of some conserving water other expanding their water use. Just turn off that water when your washing your hands for 30 seconds and give more water to the “valued”folks. Crap what a joke.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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