The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District Drought Preparedness Campaign:

For week 10 of the 2021 Drought Preparedness Campaign, we have a few exciting announcements.
First, on Saturday, June 12 from 9 AM to 1 PM, there will be a
Two locations: Club Calpella and the Redwood Valley Grange
Drive, walk, or bike up and receive a FREE bucket filled with water conserving items and information for your home to achieve 50 gallons per day per person. Only 250 buckets at each location, so arrive early. One bucket per household. See attached flyer for more details. Many thanks to Sonoma Water, Club Calpella and the Redwood Valley Grange for their generous support of this effort.
Second. the drought in the Russian River watershed and throughout California is now national news and MCRCD’s Joe Scriven was recently interviewed live on the Weather Channel, discussing how can all save water at home. See the video on the MCRCD YouTube channel:
Last but not least, for those who want to stay informed on the status of groundwater in the Ukiah Valley Basin, the Groundwater Sustainability Agency is hosting a public meeting on May 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Learn about groundwater supply, understand the effects of drought, and hear about projects to save water. See attached flyer for details on how to attend.
Water conservation is more important than ever this year. No matter your water source, please reduce your water use by 20% or more!
For more information about the drought and water conservation, visit: