Friday, February 7, 2025

The Miller Report: The Importance of Adolescent COVID-19 Vaccinations


The following is a press release written by William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital:

Dr. William Miller, Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Chief of Staff 

The San Francisco Chronicle reported this week that California has the lowest COVID case rates in the US. This is remarkable given that it has some of the largest metropolitan areas in the US and that the state had the highest case rates in the nation during this past winter. These low COVID rates speak to the effectiveness of two important public health strategies. The first was the color-coded Tier System which placed restrictions on sizes and types of gatherings along with mandating mask wearing. The second has been the role out of vaccinations. In California, 41% of the adult population is now fully vaccinated and an additional 20% are partially vaccinated.

As the pandemic continues over the next year, we should expect further ebbs and flows in case rates. The key to avoiding another horrific winter like this past one is to get more people vaccinated. Vaccination not only halts transmission and keeps people who get the infection from becoming seriously ill, it also stops the virus from mutating. This is because mutations occur during the period of infection when viral replication is the highest. Vaccines keep the virus in check by giving the immune system a head start against the infection so that it can’t replicate at such a high rate that leads to more mutations.

There are different projections of what percentage of the population needs to have immunity, either by previous infection or vaccine, to give so called “herd immunity”. For viruses that have low mutation rates, this is probably around 60%, but for COVID it is more likely around 80%. Herd immunity does not eradicate the virus, but it does bring the pandemic to a halt. Complete eradication, like we accomplished with smallpox, requires something closer to 100% and must be worldwide.

While we have mostly focused on older adults during this pandemic, because they are the ones who are at highest risk of dying, the ability to harbor and spread the virus extends all the way down to the early teenage years. This is because the SARS-2 virus, which causes the disease COVID, uses a particular receptor on our cells’ surfaces to gain entry and start the infection. This receptor, called the ACE receptor, starts appearing on our cells as we go through puberty. Thus, the goal of 80% vaccination to achieve the benefit of herd immunity needs to include members of society all the way down to age 12 when puberty begins for most of us.

This is also the reason that children below age 12 are much less likely to get the infection or effectively spread it. Hence, the initial reopening of schools that was up through sixth grade when students are around age 11 or 12.

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Here on the Mendocino Coast, vaccination of adolescents age 12-16 with the Pfizer vaccine is available through Mendocino Coast Clinics (MCC) by calling 707-964-1251 for an appointment. You don’t have to be a patient of the clinic. MCC gave 200 shots to adolescents last week. They are also providing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for adults who prefer one shot and the Moderna vaccine as well. The local chain pharmacies Rite Aid, CVS and Safeway are also providing vaccination for both adults and adolescents. To get the shot through them, you must sign up on the state website

This pandemic has had so many negative impacts upon all of us. The two most obvious being the loss of life and the damage to our economy. By bringing the pandemic to an early conclusion through vaccination, we can save lives and safely bring our economy back. It seems that participating in these national goals are what define each of us as responsible citizens. So, please, get vaccinated and have your teenagers vaccinated, too.

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  1. Don’t waste any time to have your children to DNA’s altered!!! For a virus with a 99.9% survival rate!!! And don’t forget to make them wear their custom-fitted little muzzles!!!

  2. The biggest con since 9/11. I have yet to know, hear, see , or be informed of anyone in my area of Mendo dying from “Covid.” I have heard of many adverse reactions and deaths from the kool aid. How have many have been deluded? Mainstream media! Funerals, burials and cremations are not out of line with last year’s data. Approximately 3,000,000 die in the US each year. It’s the same number for this year. No big change one way or the other. The demographic that get the flu and dies are the aged population. The flu is not pleasant but hardly the pandemic threat our medical tyrants say it is. Especially to those under 65. Now they come for the kids. Even babies!! Soon one can bet the “TRIPLE MUTANT” will invade Mendocino. Oh woe woe. Be afraid, be very afraid. I cannot help but recall the original black and white 1950s film Invasion of The Body Snatchers. If you have not seen this film by all means seek it out. The perfect metaphor for this big “Covid” scam. The Federal Government pays out to the pharmaceuticals $40.00 per shot. It’s free to the jab victim. The cost was $29.00 but was increased. Nine new pharmaceutical billionaires have been created off of what looks like a schemed business model.

  3. Herd impunity!

    This week, the big pharma corporate messaging megaphone is spouting ‘Jab Your Kids!’ That is what William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital is parroting.

    Jab the kids with what? No one really knows. Jab the kids! Why exactly?

    To quote Miller: “… the ability to harbor and spread the virus extends all the way down to the early teenage years. This is because the SARS-2 virus, which causes the disease COVID, uses a particular receptor on our cells’ surfaces to gain entry and start the infection. This receptor, called the ACE receptor, starts appearing on our cells as we go through puberty. Thus, the goal of 80% vaccination to achieve the benefit of herd immunity needs to include members of society all the way down to age 12 when puberty begins for most of us.”

    Such convenient extrapolations!!!

    Likely mined from one of the revolving-door regulatory agencies or from some spineless pay-to-play medical journal. Ethereal lackeys who, for a price, can hypothesize how many viruses can fit on the head of a pin. This is the science of shills dressed in white lab coated orthodoxy. Nothing more!

    Here are the inconvenient facts that the doctor has overlooked:

    1. Children and young adults have no opportunity to benefit from the vaccine and the possibility of extreme harm if taken is becoming apparent by the day.

    2. There are no cases of a child spreading Covid to an adult.

    If there are no cases of a child spreading Covid to an adult what could possibly be behind this recent obsession with jabbing youth? Could it be to eliminate the concept of natural immunity so that children will be dependent on the corporate state for their health from the onset of their existence?

    The jab is dangerous to children’s health.

    For the week ending May 14 CDC Data Shows Over 200,000 Adverse VAERS Reports After COVID Vaccines, Including 943 Among 12 to 17 Year-Olds.

    There were 4,201 deaths reported as of May 14

    The youngest deaths reported include two 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918 and 1242573 ) and a 16-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1225942). There were other reported deaths in children under 16 that could not be confirmed.

    You might want to stop by the Mendocino Coast Clinic and ask them if they have a ready definition for Malfeasance: wrongdoings by those in authority. That definition is off the top of my head. Go to Webster’s Dictionary or better yet the Nuremberg Code to cut to the chase.

    What we have here is a Madeline Albright moment. The Secretary of State who when asked if the death of 500,000 Iraqi children because of American sanctions was the price worth it stated unequivocally that ‘Is the price worth it?” The camera pans to Albright, who responds in a tempered diplomatic tone, “This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it.”

    Until government and medical officials are held responsible for their glaringly false statements they will continue to offer them with impunity.

    And this just in: Stanford Medicine joins COVID-19 vaccine trials for children under 12!

    What say you now, Dr. Miller?


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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