The following is a press release issued by Mendocino County Public Health:

County Health Officer Dr. Andy Coren issued new Emergency Isolation and Quarantine Orders for COVID-19 for those who test positive or are likely to have COVID-19. The updated isolation/quarantine orders go into effect June 14, 2021, and will be in effect until rescinded.
All individuals in Mendocino County diagnosed with COVID-19 or are likely to have COVID-19 are required to self-isolate themselves and follow all instructions in the Emergency Isolation Order. A person is considered to be diagnosed with or likely to have COVID-19, based on receiving a positive test result for COVID-19 or have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or have been informed by a healthcare provider are likely to have COVID-19. For a list of symptoms, please see:
The new order now requires you to communicate, cooperate and respond to calls from County Public Health Case Investigation/Contact Tracing and provide names and contact information for all close contacts.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Mendocino County Health Officer requires the above individuals to immediately self-isolate for at least 10 days in their home or residence and away from other household members as much as possible. Do not leave the place of isolation and go to private or public places, except to seek medical attention.
Individuals with a positive test who never develop symptoms must isolate for 10 days after the date of sample collection for a COVID-19 positive test. Individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 must isolate until at least 10 days after symptoms first appeared or the date of sample collection for COVID-19 positive test, whichever is later. Individuals are released from isolation by individual’s health care provider and/or informed they are released by Mendocino County Public Health.
Inform all close contacts to self-quarantine for 10 days after their last contact with you and refer them to home quarantine orders.
People who were fully vaccinated (2 or more weeks have passed since receiving final dose) at the time of recent contact and who have not had any symptoms are not required to self-quarantine.
For more on COVID-19:
Call Center: (707) 472-2759 or email
The call center is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
So, if you’re all vaccinated, both shots, you can still CATCH Covid and SPREAD Covid? But because you yourself are vaccinated, you personally don’t get sick with symptoms? Am I understanding that correctly?