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Remember opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect that of MendoFever nor have we checked the letters for accuracy.
If the proponents of the proposed cannabis referendums are to be believed, enacting the new ordinance will result in untold environmental devastation. In truth, the dysfunctional system of little to no regulation is the cause of actual environmental damage.
The new ordinance actually provides greater protections to the environment and is a huge step to reducing the environmental impact of cannabis cultivation in our county. The County has spent countless hours hearing from the broad spectrum of stakeholders and has crafted an ordinance that creates a path forward for compliance, while enacting strict environmental protections and water use regulation. In addition, enacting the new ordinance will create a clear distinction between those in compliance and those flaunting oversight, enabling effective enforcement against bad actors.
Should either of the referendums qualify, we’ll be stuck with the current dysfunctional system for months, and should they pass, for years. It is time for us to begin to repair our broken cannabis system and allow the process of thoughtful representative democracy to move ahead.
I urge voters to decline signing either referendum.
Clifford Paulin
Mendocino County 1st District Planning Commissioner
Thoughtful letter, and additionally let’s be clear: Mendocino County, its governance and ever-growing bureaucracy, spends too much time on dope growers (oh, sorry—medicinal, cannabis capitalists) both legal and illegal (mostly illegal) and very little time on my God-forsaken, pothole-ridden, nearly abandoned road.
Hell no don’t vote for that shit!! We will run out of water. What don’t you people understand!!! Greed is all I see by it!
Tough to fix anything that is that broke. The governing agencies absolutely FAILED from the get go
to put into ordinance/law the guidelines that clearly state who, what,where, & why a legal GROW
can be established. They were NOT PREPARED to properly process the demands of WEED GREED.
So now they are finally trying to play catch up in the bottom of the 9th.