Welcome to our letters to the editor/opinion section. To submit yours for consideration, please send to matthewplafever@gmail.com. Please consider including an image to be used–either a photograph of you or something applicable to the letter. However, an image is not necessary for publication.
Remember opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect that of MendoFever nor have we checked the letters for accuracy.
Mendocino County cannabis farmers finally have clear direction and rigorous environmental standards to comply with, thanks to the new Phase 3 ordinance, Chapter 22.18. Opponents of this ordinance and their referenda want you to believe that this new legislation is worse for our environment than what currently exists, and that it will open the doors for big business. The reality is, practically no environmental protections existed with the previous ordinance, and illicit grows currently operate more acreage than 22.18 could ever allow. No policy makes no sense and has no enforcement. Phase 3 is the only path for legal, local, conscious cannabis farmers. Please do not sign a referendum against it.
Thank you,
Jessica Strange
Cannabis Compliance Consultant
What about the referendum that only removes the 10% clause?
Sounds like poor enforcement of the laws by their employees and eyesight to match to let these huge grows go unnoticed?? 12 plants per person was what was voted on before greedy people with money twisted it into the grossly bizarre situation the public has to deal with now. Was law enforcement and county officials paid off? Looks like it to me and alot of others. Thanks Mendocino county.