The following is a press release issued by the United State Department of Agriculture Forest Service:
Cut firewood is available to members of the public with a valid firewood permit. Mendocino National Forest staff recently felled about 100 trees killed by western pine beetle and drought for public safety near the Pine Mountain Lookout rental cabin about 20 miles northwest of Upper Lake.
The trees were cut into firewood-sized pieces and stacked along Forest Road 18N69 at the junction of Forest Road 18NO5. Firewood mainly consists of seasoned Douglas-fir and sugar or ponderosa pine.
Firewood is only available for personal use. Personal use firewood permits cost $5 a cord with a four-cord minimum and a maximum of 12 cords purchased within a calendar year. Firewood permits can be purchased in person from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. weekdays from the district offices in Covelo and Upper Lake. Otherwise, a mail-in order form is available online.
Only the cut and stacked wood is available for gathering. Because this particular area is within a designated late successional forest reserve, no other wood cutting or gathering is allowed beyond what’s been stacked along the roadsides. No trees may be cut in the area. To access cut wood behind the gate on the lookout entrance road, contact the Upper Lake district office to obtain the lock combination at 707-275-2361.
For more information about permits for firewood or other forest products, visit the Mendocino National Forest’s “Passes and Permits” webpage at