The following is a press release issued by Mendocino County Environmental Health:
Mendocino County Environmental Health has received 200+ hoop house Building Permit applications from 36 sites within Mendocino County. These reviews were postponed while clarifying Mendocino County Cannabis Program policies and County Code with County Counsel and Planning & Building Services. County Counsel has determined that the review and issuance of these applications should not be delayed, and Environmental Health has commenced reviewing these permits. It is anticipated that these application reviews will be completed by the end of the week. Environmental Health will continue to work with our partnering agencies and regulated community in a collaborative manner to help facilitate moving these projects forward in a timely manner.
Where’s the water going to come from ?
Wells, and non in-stream water catchment ponds.
Yes where is the water going to come from??
Wells. Which are also approved by environmental health and other departments.
This was totally Illegal by Mendocino County
The county needs to be held responsible for trying to destroy existing cultivators
Environmental Health has no way to know if a property is already in the Phase 1 program or if it is a property with a totally illegal huge grow that is using Ag Exempt permits as a loop hole to push through 14 hoophouses that are 1000 square foot each. Ag Exempt means that only the owner of the property can enter the structure, no employees. Can one person grow 14,000 square feet by themselves? Or are they trying to cheat the system, endanger their illegal workers, grow illegal weed, and make the big bucks with no tax accountability to the county? It’s worth the time to pause the system of pushing permits through without question, and realistically ask these questions. Those in the legal program already also benefit from asking these questions about illegal grows getting massive Ag Exempt permits.
Critical thinking, should they hold back building permit applications because someone might cook meth inside?
It is not Environmental Healths job to make any of those determinations. It is illegal what they have done.
They held back lots of Ag exempt permits for People in phase 1.
Also do you think a 5k square foot Ag Exempt Hay barn that a Cattle farmer uses has no employees inside? Most have employees, and they pay the guy with the forklift to stack it.