The following press release was issued by Mendocino County Public Health:

Mendocino County Public Health has been notified of another Mendocino County resident who has been lost to the COVID-19 Virus. We send our condolences to his family and friends.
A 75 year old Willits man has been confirmed as Mendocino County’s 52nd death. At this time Public Health asks all Mendocino County residents to exercise caution when placing themselves in situations that could expose them to COVID-19, especially considering the new more infectious Delta variant. Mendocino County Public Health asks that you follow all CDC and CDPH guidance’s at this time. Vaccination, masking and social distancing remain the best options for combating the Covid-19 Virus.
Public Health Officer Mask Recommendation
Guidance For the Use of Masks CDPH
Guidance for Implementing COVID-19 Prevention Strategies CDC