Scanner traffic starting at 3:11 p.m. indicated two structures are on fire along Highway 101 between Perkins Street and North State Street exits.
The Incident Commander reports there are multiple spot fires spreading from the burning structure into nearby grassland. The fire reported is currently 2-3 acres with the potential to grow to 50 acres, the Incident Commander reported.
The following situational awareness alert was posted by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office:
Reported vegetation fire in area of Highway 101 at River Street in Ukiah. Approximately 2 acres and 2 structures on fire at this time. Please avoid the area and watch for emergency response vehicles .
UPDATE 3:34 p.m.:The Incident Commander reported the active fire is contained between a burning house and Highway 101. The CalTrans Quickmap indicates the northbound lane of Highway 101 is heavily impacted due to this incident.
The following pictures were provided by reader Brian Kajla:
UPDATE 3:41 p.m.: This time lapse demonstrates the Highway Fire’s growth and location
UPDATE 3:54 p.m.: The Incident Commander has reported that fire has continued to spot in vegetation and reportedly hit vegetation near the river and significantly burned. There was reference to potential evacuation warnings but nothing specific as of yet.
UPDATE 3:58 p.m.: Evacuation orders have been established in response to the Highway Fire. The orders are asking residents from Redemyer Road north to El Dorado to evacuate. An evacuation warning has also been extended up to Deerwood Road.
The following photographs were sent to us by Mendocino County Sheriff Matt Kendall
UPDATE 4:13 p.m. The following is a Nixle Alert published by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office:
Due to a fire in the area of Hwy 101/River st, Ukiah there is an evacuation order from Redemeyer north to vichy springs, and El Dorado area. There is an evacuation warning for the Deerwood area and knob hill area.
UPDATE 4:19 p.m.: Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office is reportedly requested Watson Road be closed.
The Incident Commander is reporting there are a significant amount of people driving onto Redemeyer Road, rather than leaving the area.
Another firefighter is requesting an engine as the fire approaches a structure, but the exact location was unclear.
UPDATE 4:37 p.m: The Incident Commander has reported that the fire is currently 30 acres and the forward progress has been stopped, but, there have still been “a lot of spot fires.”
UPDATE 5:23 p.m.: One lane of northbound Hwy 101 is blocked due to the fire. Caltrans reports, “Traffic is moving slowly as crews respond. Please be patient and safe in the area and expect delays.”
UPDATE 5:44 p.m.: MCSO’s sent out another Nixle alert stating, “Forward progress has been stopped but [due] to wind conditions we are going to hold evac orders and warnings for a few more hours.”
UPDATE 6:39 p.m.: According to a message sent out by the MCSO, while some areas remain under Evacuation Warning–Vichy Springs, El Dorado, Deerwood and Knobb Hill–, residents may return to their homes. Just be alert for a change in the situation.
Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.
Any info on the cause ?