Sunday, January 12, 2025

Op-Ed: Mendocino County Resident on Why Gavin Newsom Should be Recalled


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Gavin Newsom speaking at a podium in Sacramento [Photograph from the Office of the Governor]

Recall. Mendocino Connections.

I get these post cards in the mail. Hand-written from people I don’t know. There’s logo of a mule and the Mendocino Democrat Party stamped somewhere on these things. The cards plead in desperation that Gavin Newsom must be retained. Vote NO on the recall they beg. Into the trash they go. However, I realize the majority of voters in Mendocino County are registered Democrats. Mostly good folks one and all. I was once a Democrat too, before I stepped away from the Kool-Aid line claiming that all white children are born as racists and a biological man can birth a child. It’s not the drink that Franklin Roosevelt or John Kennedy mixed for me. It’s safe to assume the board of supervisors In Mendocino County are mostly Democrats too. Unless they’ve jumped the razor-wire fence into the gulag or Marxist thought. Nonetheless, our board is busy every day ignoring our third-world, county roads as they attempt to expand the bounty of cannabis, which, supposedly, will make our county rich. Best of luck with that.

Editor Jim Shields of the Mendocino County Observer recently wrote: “There’s hardly a person in Mendocino County who is not aware of the fact that marijuana cultivation is totally out of control…This county is coming apart at the seams because of the unchecked pot proliferation…” What’s this have do with the recall? Hold that drag on the joint, I’ll tell you down below.  

But first, let’s re-focus on the gourmet problem at the top. That is, getting rid of Governor Newsome, because, while you and yours were locked away for covid; waiting for UPS to deliver another case of macaroni and cheese, Governor Newsome was out and about eating Salade Vert and drinking expensive wine. Without a mask, of course. Elbow to elbow with his closest friends. Should hypocrisy get a pass? No? Recall the rascal out.

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Editor K.C. Meadows, the editor of the Ukiah Daily Journal, apparently believes otherwise. In a recent editorial, she pleaded to keep the rascal in. Why? Because, forget about the guy who seduced his best friend’s wife, it’s Editor Meadows belief that recalls cost too much. Meadow argues dismissably that expensive recalls can be augmented by a small percentage of the electorate. True. Especially, if citizens of this state despise a no-count fraud. Editor Meadow postulates that if the recall does succeed, it could be redone over and over again to vote whomever out. Possibly true again. However, she imagines it will be a candidate backed by the state majority of Democrats just as soon as Newsom’s voted out. Gavin Newsom’s wife? In other words, one recall leads to another, forgetting, as Editor Meadows writes, that it defeats the reason the lady protests. Namely, that recalls cost too much. 

Recalls cost too much? Chump change when it’s time to toss a charlatan out. There are significant issues at play to be laid at Newsom’s toes: California’s increasing rate of crime with murders out of sight. Our tsunami of hapless, homeless bums. Prop.19, a Prop that Newsom backed to raise your property tax. Releasing covid-infected criminals to meet and greet the rest of us. Keeping his kids in toney, private schools while your children struggled at home with zoom in schools that have gone to hell. Thank you, Teacher’s Union, for teaching the Governor what to do. Then there’s the California exodus of companies large and small, many family owned. They had enough of needless regulations and taxes that drove them out of the state. Of course, there’s our porous border to the south, which Newsom has allowed. California is fast becoming a state of the Democrat party, connected rich and the poorly educated poor. Any similarities here with the country of Mexico?  And, let us not forget that Newsom——unilaterally——abolished the death penalty against a majority of the citizens in our state. (Prop. 62) Do you remember Polly Klass, age 12? Her rapist and murderer, Richard Allen Davis, abandoned her body like trash. Davis was arrested in Mendocino County, but thanks to Gavin Newsom, Davis eats three square meals a day and is reading porno mags, while sweet Polly’s in her grave. Newsom has transformed Death Row into an old folks’ home.

Besides a murdering creep, there’s another significant Mendocino County connection when it comes to voting Newsom down the road. It’s linked to Newsom’s infamous dinner at that restaurant where none of us can afford to eat. It’s about what plagues our county now. 

Newsom’s French Laundry bill was said to be north of thirty-grand. Chump change for a rich guy like him, if, in fact, he paid the bill. Political donations anyone? But, the Mendocino connection is not about the bill, or the caviar that Gavin slurped. It’s about the man the dinner was for. The dinner was in honor of Jason Kinney. It was Kinney’s birthday bash. Who’s Kinney? Kinney’s a long time “friend” and advisor to Newsom. Jason Kinney has been both a key Sacramento lobbyist and a key member of Newsom’s governing team. He’s billed as Newsom’s “senior advisor” but, in fact, he’s a leading “capital fixer.” Once upon a time, when dope in Mendocino County was mostly mom and pop and local outlaws in the hills, before we descended our nouveau cannabis hell, Kinney shared the stage with California state regulators at a big cannabis conference in Las Vegas. The Vegas event was sponsored by Axion Advisors, a lobbying firm formed by Kinney’s former lobbying partners. Axion had recently launched WeedMaps, a cannabis advertising website represented by Axion. Their goal: turn California weedy, corporate green. That was Kinney’s plan. A drug deal for people at the top, in the name of the small-time growers and smokers who did not have clue they were a trojan horse in a bong. Axion Advisors are not about you. Axion Advisors are not about us. They’re about big money from someplace else. That’s the Mendocino connection to Newsom’s arrogant feast. At the French Laundry, Jason Kinney was being celebrated for all the wonderful things he’s done. Including, bringing Big Weed to where we live. Have you received your cut? Perhaps you have, but the majority of people who live in Mendocino County have not. In fact, the majority are getting tired of the one-way street of violence, environmental degradation and greed——mostly by people from somewhere else. Pay attention Board of Supervisors. Forsake your magical joint of cash. The rest of us are getting very tired of what you smoke.

Of course, Jason Kinney is not responsible for the murders in Round Valley or the hidden gravesites in the hills. He’s not responsible for stealing water; home invasions; teenagers perpetually buzzed on pot, or dope-growing damage to our lands. Jason Kinney or Axion or WeedMap are not responsible for anything at all. They merely assist the politicians, and tell them where to get the cash. Corporate Cannabis anyone? On the other hand, Gavin Newsom is responsible for Jason Kinney, when he bought his birthday cake, which the rest of us have to eat, whether we like it or not. I plead: Dear Democrats, look at where we live. If you have a mind of your own and postcards don’t think for you, recall the man who ordered the cake. 

-Mendocino County Resident, Michael Koepf

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  1. Almost no one connected with government is a fiscal hawk. The idea that this recall is wasting money is entirely selective because these same supposed fiscal hawks were not heard from when $32B was lost to welfare fraud, or when our gas taxes were being diverted by Newsom from fixing roads to his beloved but wasteful to the extreme Bullet Train, or to the billions of dollars of damage to the state from wildfires that he could never get around to fixing. And that’s just for starters.

  2. I’m honestly curious, what does the line, “Thank you, Teacher’s Union, for teaching the Governor what to do.” refer to? I have not been in the know for a minute.

    • Thank you bob for asking that. Yes, that statement is in need factual paint. In the current recall the California Teachers Union has given Newsom (so far) 1.7 million to remain in office. During the course of his political career they have given him even more. Cash in hand, Newsom does what the educational bureaucrats want, often in contradiction to what front-line teachers need. In 1954 California led the nation in school rankings. California was number 1. Alabama was number 50. Today we’re number 37 and Alabama is closing fast at number 44. What does all of this mean? In a one party state (Democrat) if you have children, their educational opportunities are declining every year and Newsom does not care. His kids go to private schools.

  3. This is a horrible introduction to the new “Letters to the Editor” feature. A political smear? At the very least, you should have also posted a letter stating why Newsom should NOT be recalled. Better yet, keep politics out of your posts. Your reporting is good. Keep to what you do best.

  4. I support K.C. Meadows, a superior editor who knows her stuff. This recall is a power grab, tiresome and unnecessary. One dinner event is enough for the Republicans to justify a recall? Pulease……If one is looking for absolute incompetence and corruption, look at the worst president ever elected, trump.
    Support Gavin Newsome. This is a very expensive and stupid recall election driven by a republican agenda.

    • Vote Yes. Recall Newsom.
      This is not a power grab, unless you consider the people of California using the proper recall process to remove the incompetent, tyrant Governor Newsom a power grab. Democrat or republican, it doesn’t matter. He is bad for California.
      This has nothing to do with political parties.
      This is a grassroots recall by Californians from all political parties, from the poor to the wealthy and all walks of life. We are fed up with the mess and destroyer of California that is Gavin Newsom.
      Newsom only cares about Newsom.
      He does not care about the people of California. His contempt for people who do not support him is evident in his interviews and his hateful comments. He is divisive.
      He consistently blames others for his failures.
      He is not a leader.

      Look at just a few of his failures:
      Highest poverty rate in the nation.
      Highest homeless population.
      Unemployment rate tied for 2nd highest at 7.6% (as of latest BLS numbers).
      Forest mismanagement continues.
      Water mismanagement in times of drought.
      Covid tyranny edicts, lockdowns, school closures, religious closures, hypocrisy and more.
      Violent crime rising in the cities.
      Released 70,000 plus felons from prison.
      Dictatorial moratorium on the death penalty violating the peoples’ will.
      Timely $350 million in tax credits for his wealthy Hollywood friends (coincidence why they are campaigning for him).
      $30 billion (our tax dollars) unemployment EDD fraud.
      $1 billion (our tax dollars) for Chinese carmaker masks for Covid. He could have bought American made masks by 3M for many millions of dollars less.
      Highest taxes in the Country.
      Working class people and businesses fleeing the state. 2020 was the highest exodus on record. California will lose a congressional seat because of it.

      Newsom has failed us.
      He has failed California.
      It appears he has no respect or understanding for average Californians.
      He panders for votes to whomever he is speaking. It is so pathetically obvious.
      Newsom is bribing citizens with our tax dollars to keep himself in office. He is not beneficent or caring.
      Newsom should be defending his record to stay in office, but he has opted to blame us, the voters, for the recall. He is resorting to name calling and vilification of the voters. What a nice governor for the people.

      He has resorted to picking on and smearing Larry Elder, his biggest threat.
      To the people, he has resorted to fear mongering and hysteria. Desperation is all he has. Not the best qualities in a governor.

      This recall is about We the People and our state.
      We need Newsom recalled and someone elected to help us save California.
      We need a Governor who works for all of us and hold him or herself accountable to us, not to mega donors.
      It is up to us, the voters, to make the change for the betterment of our home we call California.
      Read and research what candidate is best for us, regardless of the party affiliation.
      Vote Yes!


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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