The following is a post from 5th District Supervisor Ted William’s Facebook page:
This year, Governor Newsom signed a bill to allocate $6 billion to expand broadband infrastructure and enhance high speed Internet access for unserved and underserved communities. Instead of subsidizing the existing for-profit providers who have skipped over much of Mendocino County, our state’s investment will remain state-owned, providing an open access middle mile. The county will receive millions to fund last mile. We will likely join a new joint powers authority led by thirty-seven county member Rural County Representatives of California to pull off implementation. It’s the most promising effort I seen to bridge the digital divide and I believe it’ll improve our economy, education, healthcare and quality of life.
We’ve surveyed over the years, but I’m here to ask your help on updating our maps. Please engage in the following speed test. By crowdsourcing current Internet speeds across our county, we’ll be able to better ensure deployment reaches the underserved areas.…/informatio…/speed-test
After you take the survey, check out the map (linked on our speed test site above) to see collective results across the county.