Ukiah Police Department Lieutenant Andrew Phillips confirmed that officers responded to State Street last night at approximately 11:00 p.m. after reports of a female stabbed in the abdomen emerged after an arguement within the Regency Inn.
Officers searched the area, spoke with witnesses, determined an argument had occurred in a room at the Regency Inn, but “witnesses were uncooperative,” Lieutenant Phillips said.
Approximately two hours later, the victim arrived at Howard Memorial Hospital proving uncooperative telling the officer her injury was “accidental and had occurred somewhere in Redwood Valley.” Lieutenant Phillips confirmed this was the same person who had “reportedly been in the argument at the Regency Inn.”
Scanner traffic beginning at approximately 11:00 p.m. indicated staging was required when responding to the call meaning law enforcement was asked to ensure the incident is secure and safe before medical personnel can enter.
Ukiah Police officers began their foot search of the area at 11:03 p.m looking for the stabbing victim. At one point during their search, they reported to dispatch they had located “blood on the ground” and are attempted to follow the “blood trail” to locate the victim.