The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino Women’s Political Coalition:

Time to fire up your inner mover and shaker! If the environment, pro-choice, civil rights, and voting rights are your passions plan to attend the Mendocino Women’s Political Coalition (MWPC) four sessions on Campaign Training – Be a Change Agent for Democracy, October 2,9, 16, and 23.
Information and registration can be found on the website:
It is never too early to begin to prepare for the 2022 Elections as a candidate or how to best help in a campaign. Veteran political campaign trainer and founding chair of the MWPC, Val Muchowski, says, “Women considering a first run for public office or political ‘old hands’ should attend this valuable training to learn or relearn how to ‘run to win’! Media training, winning without costly consultants, projecting your image, strategies, forming a strong message, media skills, regulations, targeting voters and other skills are taught by MWPC certified trainers Lynda McClure and Val Muchowski.
“The Leadership & Campaign Training was invaluable to me preparing for my first, First District Supervisor campaign”, says Carre Brown, former Mendocino Supervisor. “I learned a lot about preparation for candidate interviews, campaign strategies, and Fair Political Practice Commission regulations.”
Our Democracy is being challenged like never before! Democracy is not a spectator sport. Come gather information at our trainings and learn how to participate and save our democracy, Elections Matter!
The trainings will be October 2, 9, 16, and 23, from 9 am – 1:00 pm.
Non-members $10.00 per session or $40.00 for all four sessions
Members $25 for all four sessions
Pre-registration: Send a check to MWPC, Box 1140, Ukiah, CA 95482
Early registration is accepted on our website: