Over the last two days Mendocino County Public Health announced startling details regarding COVID-19’s unrelenting grip on the medically vulnerable in the county. Yesterday, the Public Health issued a series of press releases describing the nine most recent deaths attributed to COVID-19 and on Tuesday Public Health Officer Dr. Andy Coren said a Mendocino County child was being treated in a local hospital, the first minor hospitalized in the County ill with COVID-19 .
Before providing the age and location of those who succumbed to the virus, it is worth noting Dr. Coren said in his COVID-19 update to Board of Supervisors on Tuesday that recent deaths are most often unvaccinated individuals. As a point of comparison, Dr. Coren said the average age of vaccinated individuals who have passed away in the County from the virus is 95 while the average age of the unvaccinated is 68.
Dr. Coren added, “While some vaccinated people have caught COVID and some have passed away, the vast majority of overall of severe cases, hospitalizations and deaths are among those who have not been vaccinated.”
As to the recent spike in Mendocino County deaths, Dr. Coren said the last two weeks have seen 13 deaths and eight of those are attributed to outbreaks at two local nursing homes.
The press releases issued by Public Health provided the most information yet regarding these recent deaths:
- Mendocino County’s 76th death was a 98-year-old fully vaccinated, Fort Bragg man.
- The 77th death was another 96-year-old man from the Fort Bragg area who was fully vaccinated.
- The 78th death was an unvaccinated 66-year-old Ukiah man.
- The 79th death was an unvaccinated 70-year-old woman from the Covelo area.
- The county’s 80th death was a Ukiah woman, 79-years of age, who was fully vaccinated.
- A 82-year-old fully vaccinated, Fort Bragg woman was the county’s 81st death.
- The 82nd death was an 84-year-old Fort Bragg woman who was fully vaccinated.
- The county’s 83rd death was a 68-year-old man, unvaccinated from the Willits area.
- The 84th death was an 86-year-old fully vaccinated man from the Fort Bragg area.
Reviewing this data, it is clear Dr. Coren’s observation holds true for this small sample: the age of those that die of COVID who are vaccinated skews significantly higher than those that are unvaccinated.
Dr. Coren revealed during his presentation to the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors that unvaccinated staff of the nursing facilities facing COVID-19 outbreaks were testing positive “having fatal consequences on those who are vaccinated and vulnerable.”

According to yesterday’s Mendocino County COVID-19 dashboard update, there are currently 12 residents hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 and 4 in local intensive care units. 304 residents are currently in isolation to protect others from being exposed to the virus and the most recent deluge of deaths marks 84 total deaths due to COVID-19 in Mendocino County.
Mendocino County Public Health is encouraging residents fully vaccinated with Pfizer and over the age of 65 (or over age 50 with specific health conditions) to receive their COVID-19 booster vaccine to “improve immunity.” Public Health suggests these booster shots “should be given at least 6 months after completion of the initial Pfizer series.” If residents have questions about boosters, Public Health encourages them to speak with their “doctor, or call Public Health at 707-472-2759.” Residents can get more information on upcoming vaccine clinics in their area by visiting the Public Health website.
How old is the child that is sick ?
Can we get details on where (name/address) the nursing homes are? I don’t see why this should not be listed. Great coverage by this site. Very reliable!
Only in Mendocino could a press release about 6 fully vaccinated people dying (versus only 3 unvaccinated) include a statement that “recent deaths are most often unvaccinated individuals.” I can’t believe people like Matt propagate this bullsh*t. Bunch of schmucks.
@$5fee – look at the ages of the unvaccinated people. Then take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are the one propagating the BS here pal. This dude is simply stating facts and it sounds like you can’t handle the truth.
The drift seems to be that a majority of the vaxxed injectees are dying from “Covid” than non-vaxxed. This is odd. Apparently the vaxx is not protection from the dreaded “Covid.” Indeed, the vaxx just might be why they died. Given these numbers, why would anyone want to be vaxxed?
Who is the author of this article?
Appears they are doing Dr. Coren’s heavy lifting. Could it be the Dr. himself?
Perhaps you could “lift” my next questions to the good Dr., rather than us non-essential folks waiting for hours to register our questions on your listed phone #.
here it is all printed out for you. would email to you, but evidently that contact is unavailable to the non-essential.
Dr. Coren,
some pertinent question first asked in Tampa Bay and just as applicable here.
An excerpt from the Tampa Bay Business Journal today…
Businesses are already grappling with increasing administrative burdens that are only expected to increase with the Biden administration’s vaccine requirement for large employers. As booster shots enter the mix, things could get even more complicated.
My questions….
• Do boosters qualify as a vax since they are not FDA approved but the old, last year vax is?
• Why get existing COVID shots that were designed for last year’s variant and now are evolving to do more harm than good for many?
o The new Pfizer shot is not approved, still approved for emergency use only as I understand it
o The approved one for 65 and up is last year’s variant shot isn’t it?
• Are businesses now going to fire those that got last year’s vax design and now do not get the continual lifetime series of boosters?
• What are businesses going to do with employees that were harmed from the first vax and medically can’t get the 2nd or 3rd?
o I know a nurse with an autoimmune condition that was harmed from the 1st and advised to not get another
• How long will an employer honor a medical or religious exemption?
• Are businesses going to fire an employee that doesn’t or can’t get the vax because they have a contraindicated medical condition?
o Will the employer be held responsible if they force that individual to get vaxed, that person complies and is harmed or disabled?
• Sometimes there is legally right, sometimes morally right – what’s the moral issue of forcing a medical procedure that has been known to cause far more deaths that all other vaccines combined in the past 20 years? … in just a short time – over 15,000 in the U.S., more in Europe, with hundreds of thousands of disabilities and adverse events
Even a papaya tested positive for “Covid”. The reality is the entire house of cards rests upon the PCR fraud. Once it is recognized that the PCR test cannot ever identify an actual pathogen/disease, the entire make believe free falls into its own corrupt canard. Dr. Coren is subject to protocols. Those are dictated by “DAVOS”. He is just following orders. Remdesivir and intubation. Small wonder patients are dying.