The following is a press release issued by the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service

Camping stay limits go into effect across the Mendocino National Forest on Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021 through Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. The stay limits apply to developed campgrounds and dispersed camping locations.
As outlined in Forest Order No. 08-21-06, visitors may camp in the same developed recreation campground for 14 days within any 30-day period but no more than 28 cumulative days in any 12-month period. For dispersed camping, visitors may camp in the same location outside a one-mile radius of a developed recreation site for 14 days within any 30-day period but no more than 28 cumulative days in any 12-month period, according to Forest Order No. 08-21-05.
“We want visitors to enjoy great camping experiences in developed campgrounds and in more rustic locations,” said Acting Forest Supervisor Frank Aebly. “Stay limits are important because they help lessen the environmental impacts associated with long-term established camps and help reduce the public safety incidents related to unauthorized residential camping.”
Please call the Mendocino National Forest office nearest your destination for current information.
All forest orders, including Forest Order No. 08-21-06 (Developed recreation camping stay limits) and Forest Order No. 08-21-05 (Dispersed camping stay limits), are posted here: