The following is a letter to the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors written by Mendocino County Public Health Officer Dr. Andy Coren:

Mendocino County’s testing positivity rate is 4.4%, with testing rates down to 200/100,000/day. New daily cases average 13.7 day/100,000. There are currently 9 Mendocino residents in Mendocino hospitals. 3 more are from out-of-County. 5 Mendocino residents are in out-of-county hospitals for a higher level of care. We have 4 COVID patients in our County Intensive Care Units, but only 2 staffed ICU beds (12%) available today(10/18/21).
Total COVID cases is now 7,402; of these 2,803 are Hispanic (disproportionately high)
86 people have passed away.
Testing, using the mobile vans has been ongoing and we have excellent utilization of state resources. Drop boxes are being set up for PCR tests to be sent to the state lab with less cost and hassle.
We have 2 Outbreaks now involving one Skilled Nursing Home, and Round Valley. Sherwood Oaks Skilled Nursing Home’s long-term challenges seem close to resolution.
Vaccines: The uptake of 3rd doses and Boosters in Mendocino and the State has been less than expected. Moderna and J&J booster emergency use approval (EUA) is expected this week. Approval for 5-11 year old vaccines is expected at end of October. Administration of vaccines for children under 12 years old will be
administered in clinics, pharmacies. Public Health is coordinating FQHC clinics and school districts to hold school-based vaccine events throughout the county.
As of October 14, 2021 111,485 total doses have been administered to 80.5% of those over 12 years: 71.1% of eligible (over 12 years old) are fully vaccinated, which is less than the state average (72.9%). From an Equity perspective, our least resourced, Quartile #1 have 79.8% fully vaccinated, is better than the state. In
Quartile 2 only 67.7 % are fully vaccinated, which is less than the state average. Hispanic vaccination rates is 57.2% fully vaccinated and the non-Hispanic white population is 65.7% which both exceed the state average. The uptake in all age groups is increasing. However, those between 18-49 years old less vaccinated than the state, while vaccination rates of those over 50 years old exceed the state averages. Our regular vaccine events at the Fairgrounds in Ukiah and at the Public Health offices in Willits and Ft Bragg are going well and we also provide vaccines at special events upon request, such as at a nursing home and Pumpkinfest last weekend. We are making flu vaccines available at our regular sites for the convenience of our residents.
In summary, our Summer/Fall COVID surge is resolving. We are encouraging early COVID-safe planning for holidays. There are recommendations for a safe Halloween on our website. We are working on all the COVID vaccines for adults and we are coordinating school clinics for children.
What did the inventor of the PCR test have to say about the inability of his invention to detect any virus? Attached is a brief succinct video from the man who received a Nobel Prize for his invention. PCR test was appropriated by Christian Drosten in collaboration with WHO and Gates and put to a task that is fraudulent. Mullis passed away three months prior to the first official narrative about a “Covid” flu virus.
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Big Pharma ads pay 40% of TV media income. Control of the narrative controls the public perception. One can be sure the massive vaxx deaths and injuries will not be reported on TV. Nor allowed to be linked to on the social media platforms that censor and ban posts that mention vaxx deaths and injuries.
sieg heil mein fuhrer Coren.
just don’t be counting on much compliance.
care to leave an addy for your direct contact?