The following press release was issued by Mendocino County Public Health:

The Mendocino County COVID-19 Department Operations Center has confirmed a positive COVID-19 case at the following location:
The Home Depot
350 N Orchard Ave, Ukiah
Members of the public who visited this facility between the dates of Thursday, October 14 and Saturday, October 16th 2021 may have been exposed to COVID-19, and are advised to seek COVID-19 testing if unvaccinated or seek testing if exhibiting symptoms while vaccinated. Covid-19 Testing
The Facilities Management is responding quickly to the positive case. We appreciate the cooperation to find those who could be exposed, and Public Health only publishes the business names and locations because it is impossible to specifically identify everyone in the public who could have been exposed.
Public Health is prepared for the possibility of outbreaks due to the transmissibility of the Delta variant and the reopening of some segments of society over the last few months. Public Health still urges members of the public to exercise their best judgment when making decisions that might affect their own health and the health of the community.
Public Health Officer Dr. Andy Coren would like to emphasize the importance of staying home from work when exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. Common symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, fatigue, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or new loss of taste or smell.
We ask that the community stay vigilant and follow the guidance outlined by the California Department of Public Health and Mendocino County Public Health. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and masking, contact the Mendocino County Public Health COVID19 Call Center at (707) 472-2759 or visit our website at:
The following is a statement from the affected business:
No statement
What test was utilized to make the determination? Now what? Lock down Ukiah? PCR inventor states states the test he developed is not capable of detecting a virus or any pathogen. It’s been misappropriated and misused. Why?? Link:
Seriously BBB? I really do not understand some of your posts. Grateful to Home Depot and County Health Department for notifying the public. What test would make it so you believe that someone has the Corona Virus? You do realize false positives and false negatives happen in most all tests, that’s why second opinions and secondary tests happen in our world. I guess it’s like when I found out I was pregnant back in the day and purchased more than 5 OC pregnancy tests (all positive) still didn’t believe it and went to the Dr. for a test which also was positive…9 months later my beautiful son was born, but I didn’t want to believe the OC tests. Starting to think that there are a lot of angry bored folks in this county who would rather stir the s$&t pot than become part of the solution.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Thank you for your comments. There is no alternative “test” for the NIH Fauci Flu. At least not until December 31 when a separate diagnostic tool will be utilized. Why? Because as the CDC states, the PCR test is flawed. Which is a massive understatement. The PCR test is utterly incapable of diagnosing any pathogen. It’s design and purpose makes it incapable to identify any disease, period. It’s purloined function is to spew out false positives. This ongoing PCR fraud has served its purpose to create the illusion of a pandemic.The population was stampeded via MSM fear porn. The population believes (or did) and trusts (or did) these public health institutions. The “vaccine” is now a way of life for many. Mission accomplished. If anyone harbors a hope that this Fauci Flu and the jab will ever go away, boosters every six months are the plan…..forever. Congratulation on your healthy family. In case you missed it, the psychopaths are seeking to jab 28,000,000 US children between the ages of five to 11. Given the mental pathology of these reptiles, they will come for the newborns to 5 year olds, too. How many shots do babies and young children already endure? Pin cushions. Do you realize how many people in the United States have been killed and injured by these “Covid” flu vaccines? Most people have no clue. The mainstream TV which promotes the fraud is not going to let on. It’s astounding!! Now they want the young people. We have at our fingertips access to the worlds top virologists and medical professionals, thousands, and these are not working for Big Pharma. With a keyboard and computer (cell phone) one can access their warnings. One must ask the right questions in order to “open sesame”. Best regards.
curios monkey with all serious due respect.
have you or have you not taken the time to study the flaws in the pcr test as pointed out by it’s inventor Dr Kerry Mullis? that would be a yes or no question.
you go on about your pregnancy and eventual birth …congratulations good for you, glad you were blessed with a beautiful baby. what does that have to do with any of the bravo sierra being pumped out by the California Department of Public Health and Mendocino County Public Health????