The following is information published by the California State Water Boards:

The Division of Water Rights continues to review hydrologic forecasts and real-time data in the Russian River Watershed. The Division previously announced the temporary suspension of all curtailments in the Russian River Watershed. Based on available forecasts, the Division is announcing that the temporary curtailment suspensions will last through December 15, 2021, and may last through the month of December, based on current forecasts. Curtailments may resume in late December or early January unless additional precipitation beyond what is currently forecasted occurs. An announcement will be issued by December 15 confirming whether the temporary suspension will continue through December 31 and whether curtailments are anticipated to resume in January.
Right holders should continue to monitor the Russian River Drought Response webpage for announcements on the latest status. All future updates on curtailment statuses for both the Upper and Lower watersheds will be posted on this webpage and distributed through email (Lyris) notifications.
The Russian River Drought Response Team wishes you a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving! If you have any questions, please contact us at or (916) 341-5318.