The following is a press release issued by the Santa Rosa Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On November 24, 2021, at 11:36 a.m., Santa Rosa Police Officers responded to the Apple Store in the Santa Rosa Plaza, on a report of a “smash and grab” theft involving four male suspects. In a brazen daytime burglary in front of customers and staff, the suspects grabbed over $20,000 worth of merchandise from the store and fled the area in an unknown vehicle.
The suspects were described as four young, Black males between 14 and 18 years old wearing mostly black clothing with masks covering their faces.
If anyone has any information related to the theft, please call SRPD Property Crimes Investigations at (707) 543-3575. Refer to case #21-13043.
Media inquiries can be directed to Lieutenant Jeneane Kucker at
Never relax around packs of feral wakandans
Commandment #8 (from The Holy Bible)
Thou shalt not steal.
Let me translate it… if it ain’t yours don’t touch it!
Or how about this… Let him who stole, stteal no more!
?Now you know.
These guys got big balls.
Given their young age, they may very well be local. If they continue to make bad choices like this, they will eventually get caught.
Crime does not pay.
I guess security don’t do anything there , seems like this has been happening a lot there