The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On 12-05-2021 at approximately 1137 hours, the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center began receiving 9-1-1 calls regarding a disturbance in the 300 block of Pomo Court in Willits, California.
At the time, all working Deputies from the Willits area were in Covelo investigating an attempted Homicide.
Due to the above, assistance was requested from the California Highway Patrol to respond to this call for service. California Highway Patrol Officers arrived on scene and began an investigation.
At approximately 1329 hours, an Sheriff’s Deputy arrived on scene and took over the investigation.
The Deputy learned Dakota Gimple resided at the residence along with his mother, his girlfriend, and his two young children.
At some point during the night while everyone else was sleeping, Gimple began causing a disturbance inside of the residence. When asked to stop his behavior, Gimple became violent, and used a log to smash the glass out of the wood stove inside of the residence. The wood stove was estimated by the homeowner to cost approximately $1,800.00 in total.
Just prior to the 9-1-1 calls, Gimple got into another argument with his girlfriend, and again began damaging items inside of the residence. Fearing for her safety and the safety of her young children, the girlfriend retreated into a bedroom with her children and locked the door.
Gimple then forced open the locked door and entered the bedroom, where his mother, his girlfriend, and his two children were now located. Gimple had a screwdriver in one hand and a large stick in his other hand.
Gimple began to threaten to kill all four subjects in the room. Gimple grabbed a cup of coffee out of his girlfriend’s hand and threw it on her. Gimple then threw the screwdriver at his girlfriend but missed. The screwdriver bounced off of the wall, and struck the 2 year old child in the head.
Gimple then left the room and continued to cause damage to items within the residence before going outside.
Having no way to contact 9-1-1 for help, the girlfriend exited the residence via a window and went to a neighboring residence to call 9-1-1.
Gimple then went to a burn pile in the yard, and began to make a paste out of the ashes. Gimple spread the ash paste all over his body and began chanting and yelling at people in the neighborhood.
Gimple was placed under arrest. Gimple became extremely uncooperative and it took the Deputy approximately 15 minutes to verbally convince Gimple to get into the rear seat of the patrol vehicle.
While Gimple was being transported to jail, he began to threaten the Deputy. At one point, Gimple intentionally struck his head numerous times on the plastic partition in the patrol vehicle, causing a laceration to his forehead. This laceration required medical attention prior to Gimple being booked into jail.
Gimple was take to Adventist Health Ukiah Valley for medical treatment. While in the hospital, Gimple continued to scream and threaten Deputies with bodily harm. Gimple was eventually medically cleared for incarceration.
Gimple was also found to be on Pre Trial Release from a previous assault charge with a condition that he obey all laws.
Gimple was arrested for the following violations:
422 PC (Felony Criminal Threats)
245(a)(1) PC (Assault with a Deadly Weapon)
594(a)(1) PC (Felony Vandalism)
273(A)A (Felony Cruelty to a Child)
69 PC (Felony Resisting or Threatening an Officer)
166(a)(4) PC (Violation of a Court Order)
Gimple was subsequently booked into the Mendocino County Jail where he was to be held in lieu of $32,500.00 bail.
Those poor children.
Boy been messin’ wid his closet grown Afghan Kush again.
Weed has never created a monster….they are naturally grown by idiots.