The following is a press release issued by the Ukiah Unified School District:

Ukiah Unified School District is excited to announce the addition of Tom Jacobson as the new Personnel Commissioner after Susan Sher retired earlier this year. Mr. Jacobson has lived in Ukiah since 2004 and is a cybersecurity analyst for JJACPA, Inc., a local CPA firm with offices in Fort Bragg and Dublin, CA. Tom has worked extensively with local non-profits and municipalities to increase cybersecurity education, including the Community Foundation of Mendocino County, Visit Mendocino, the Cancer Resource Centers, and the City of Point Arena. Tom is a Leadership Mendocino (Class XXI) graduate and a finalist in the West Business Development Center’s first Startup Mendocino competition.
“We are honored and excited to welcome Tom to the Ukiah Unified family,” said Ukiah Unified Assistant Superintendent Nicole Glentzer. “His experience with local non-profits has given him a great understanding of our community and makes him a great fit for the Personnel Commission. I very much look forward to working with him.”
The Ukiah Unified Personnel Commission is a non-partisan public body responsible for administering a merit system for selecting, retaining, and promoting classified employees. The Ukiah Unified School District incorporated the merit system of personnel management for classified employees effective July 1, 1967. The Commission has served classified employees and the District for 54 years.