Just over one month after a gang-related stabbing at a Ukiah Apartment Complex, a suspect is in the Mendocino County jail for his alleged role in the crime. As per a criminal complaint issued by the Mendocino County District Attorney’s Office, 28-year-old Ukiah man Jaime Antonio Zambrano stands accused of attempted murder.
The criminal complaint offers a special allegation associated with Zambrano’s use of a knife in the crime. His alleged involvement in the crime has also resulted in a “strike allegation” being levied against Zambrano which would count against him in California’s “Three Strikes” law.
Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Captain Greg Van Patten told us Zambrano was arrested in Los Angeles County on December 22 on a warrant out of Mendocino County for his involvement with the November stabbing. This strike allegation stems from Zambrano’s first strike in which he was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon on March 22, 2015. Captain Van Patten said Zambrano is “one of the suspects” in the stabbing meaning more arrests my be forthcoming
Interesting to note, the Ukiah area has seen a dramatic rise in graffiti over the last couple of months associated with criminal gangs. Ukiah Police Department’s Andrew Phillips told us in an interview earlier this month this sort of rise in tagging “either precedes an increase in gang-related crime or follows a gang-related crime.”
Zambrano has an extensive criminal history locally. As an 18-year-old, Zambrano was convicted of another stabbing in Ukiah. On September 26, 2012, Zambrano and two other adults punched, kicked, and stabbed a 16-year-old juvenile at Ukiah’s Vinewood Park in what the Ukiah Police Department determined was gang-related violence.

A review of the Mendocino County Superior Court Case Information Portal indicates Zambrano pled down the charges which resulted in an 8-year prison sentence.
It is unclear how much of that sentence Zambrano served, but by July 2020 he was back in Mendocino County accused of misdemeanor battery. He pled guilty and spent one year in county jail.
This arrest resulted in the revocation of state parole, the establishment of new parole terms, and a warrant for his arrest was issued on December 2, 2020, after violating his new parole terms by absconding and his whereabouts were unknown.
Prior to his arrest for the recent Ukiah stabbing, Zambrano’s most recent criminal offense was felony corporal injury to a spouse and a series of other charges associated with a domestic incident. He would plead the felony down to a misdemeanor and plead guilty to a misdemeanor battery and inflict corporal injury charges. This incident would result in a sentence of three years formal-supervised probation where he was prohibited from owning firearms and required to complete community service. He was confined in the Mendocino County Jail for 25 days as a result of violating the previously agreed parole terms.
Zambrano will be arraigned this morning at 9:00 a.m. in the courtroom of Honorable Judge Carly Dolan.
With due respect to the victim of the November stabbing, it must be stated that the charges described have not been proven in a court of law. In accordance with the legal principle of the presumption of innocence, any individual described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. All of the previously described criminal incidents have been adjudicated.
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“He would plead the felony down…” The growing list of victims and law abiding people of Mendocino county also have a plea: NO MORE PLEA DEALS! These gangs have got to go. One strike and you’re gone, gone, gone into a penitentiary the only future that you’ll know.
seany boy alot of white people out there committing crimes. Look at all the bum homeless druggies all white. Sit ur sissy ass down
Sean did you just make that 37% figure up? Or is that from your White Supremacist News letter?
Yeah, I wonder why we dont see homeless illegals out there…. you think it may be because we hand them housing, food, money, etc, etc, etc… does anyone else see this? Yes, Sean, GO THERE!!,
No justamom you’re very wrong.. It’s because they’re actually out rain or shine working! WORKING THEIR ASSES OFF.. You dont see a hispanic on a corner asking for free handouts, so please YOU dont go there. Actually the vegetables & fruits on your table are thanks to them. They will work well past retirement.. I see your racism is showing
Emily darling, literally this article is about yet another south of the border gang member shooting in was once a safe town. THIS IS A PROBLEM! The fact that you ignore what “those people” are bringing to our country is frightening.
At least all the gang members have the decency to get tattoos all over their faces so they are easy to ID.