The following is a press release issued by Mendocino County Public Health:

Mendocino County Health Officer Dr. Andrew Coren issued an updated Health Order effective immediately. The Order updates COVID-19 isolation and quarantine procedures in the county. Positive cases and close contacts may now end their isolation or quarantine after 5 days with a negative antigen test, provided they no longer have symptoms and wear a surgical grade mask for the remainder of the 5 days. In addition, a person is now considered to have a “Current COVID-19 Vaccine” only if they have received all boosters for which they are eligible.
“Omicron’s increased contagion makes boosters essential for a high level of protection from
illness, hospitalization and death,” explained Dr. Coren.
The Omicron variant is two to four times more infectious than the Delta variant. Evidence shows that individuals who have received a booster increase their protective immunity against COVID-19, as the effectiveness of the original vaccine is waning over time. Updating the definition of what it means to have a “Current COVID-19 Vaccine” in the context of isolation and quarantine will reduce community spread, severe cases, and hospitalizations.
The changes to the Health Order do not affect who needs to self-isolate with COVID-19. All positive cases must isolate for 10 days, or 5 days with a negative antigen test. The Order does change which close contacts need to quarantine, as only those with a “Current COVID-19 Vaccine” do not need to quarantine for 10 days.
To read the full Health Order, please visit the Mendocino County Public Health webpage.
“Positive cases and close contacts may now end their isolation or quarantine after 5 days with a negative antigen test, provided they no longer have symptoms and wear a surgical grade mask for the remainder of the 5 days.” If you can end after 5 days what are “the remainder of the 5 days”?
You may not question The Science™.
Their so-called “science” has the same accuracy and validity of astrology.
It’s unfortunate that this has become a political virus. Nobody cares what Dr. Coren says anymore. He follows the science of the Democratic Party.
Stop with the “Democrat” vs. “Republican” bullshit. It’s our rulers vs. humanity.
Trump has made clear he’s totally on-board with the narrative, and Ted Cruz made it clear recently he’s part of the Problem, too.
Wait, mediocre people who believe they have authority over my life aren’t willing to just give me back my freedoms? This is my surprised face.
When dictators take away your freedom, you TAKE it back.
time to take it! back!!
Dr. Miller says “Omicron, which as you have undoubtably heard by now is about 10 times more easily spread than the Delta variant”
but Dr. Corey says “Omicron variant is two to four times more infectious than the Delta variant”
Which is it? 2-4X is quite different than 10X. This is why people don’t trust these schmucks. And they say republicans spread misinformation… lol
It’s whatever they say it is Chris!!!!!
Omicron is an anagram of Moronic.
Anyone who still believes in all this bullshit is obviously moronic.
As Dr. Robert Malone has stated, using the original shot recipe, which was designed for the “Alpha” variant, is worthless against new emerging variants. Just like what is done with the flu shots. No sense in getting last years flu shot, this years will most likely be a different strain therefore the shot formulation must change as well. These so called “doctors” and health officers need to pull their heads out of their asses if they want to salvage any remaining credibility they might still have within the community. Are we passed the point where these guys have just become pharmaceutical company shills and salesmen??? I’m not sure how else to explain their behavior. Too afraid to get canceled by the mob if they question the jabs in anyway??? They are eroding the last shred of trust in the medical industry and making a mockery of “the science”.
Good news is Pfizer (Very Trustworthy Company) has a new daily pill for those vaccinated. I understand it helps maintain a chemical immune system since your natural one has been destroyed by an experiment.
Also what is the average age of a fatality in Mendocino County from CV? I’m going to guess it’s over 80 years old. Which is higher than the average life expectancy….
I’m sorry but we’re done playing political games with viruses so governments can spend our money and take away our rights
The Real Anthony Fauci book by RFK Jr spells all this out very well
keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
it pretty obvious the shot and boosters are not working.
what is working and already proven safe is ivermectin and HCQ.
None of it is about a virus. It never has been. The virus is just a tool to maneuver the population toward total government.
Pfizer dba “Mendocino County Department of Public Health”
So, those who are not vaccinated have to quarantine for 10 days, but those that are vaccinated don’t bave to quarantine for 10 days? That makes no sense. You do realize, that vaccinated people who get the virus are just as much contagious as the ones who aren’t vaccinated. This is why people don’t take the cdc seriously.
NONE of it based on real science. The only “science” involved is political “science” – the sinister art of manipulating people.
A narrative has been decreed by our rulers, and we are expected to follow that narrative, WITHOUT QUESTION. Just like any previous total government. Yes, folks, we now have totalitarian “democracy.”