Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ukiah City Manager Sage Sangiacomo Looks Back at the City’s Accomplishments of 2021


The following is a press release issued by the City of Ukiah:

As one year ends, another begins. On behalf of the City of Ukiah, I am pleased to wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year. Today, I am once again reflecting on the remarkable strength and resilience of our community. Through the challenges that we have faced this year, your team at the City of Ukiah has fought to ensure reliable and high-quality municipal services are delivered today and into the future. I wanted to share a few of our 2021 accomplishments, and some of our plans for 2022.

Water: Amid Statewide Water Shortages, Ukiah Responded Responsibly

City of Ukiah Recycled Water Pump

With historically low rainfall, the Ukiah Valley was confronted with the very real prospect of a prolonged drought. By virtue of our proactive investments in a diversified water supply, the City was able to maintain our affordable and reliable water supply while also supporting the health of our parched neighboring coastal communities through water transfers.

A key investment that helped us achieve this success was Ukiah’s state-of-the-art water recycling plant. This facility allows the City to serve approximately 325 million gallons of water to farmers, parks and schools and offsets our reliance on the Russian River by at least 30%. Additionally, we have modernized our productive groundwater wells and created access to alternative sources in order to reduce our reliance on the Russian River and Mendocino Lake. In acknowledgment of our efforts, the City of Ukiah was awarded Recycled Water Agency of the Year among medium-sized water agencies at the WateReuse California 2021 annual conference.

Safer Streets: Downtown Streetscape Improvement Project

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Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Birds eye view of improvements to S. State St. and W.
Perkins St.

This summer, we celebrated the conclusion of Phase 1 of the Downtown Streetscape Improvement project. This project provides streetscape and utility improvements in downtown Ukiah on State Street, Perkins Street, and Standley Street, Church Street, and others including underground utility replacement, sidewalk widening, curb ramps and bulb outs, streetlights, street furniture, and tree planting.

Phase 2 is currently in the design process, with construction expected to begin in 2022. Phase 2 will extend the project both to the north and the south, from Henry to Norton and from Mill to Gobbi. Learn more at

Housing: A Continued Emphasis on Producing More Housing Opportunities

Ukiah Senior Apartments, recently completed, provides 31 units
of affordable housing for Ukiah’s seniors.

Within the last five years, the City has consistently prioritized innovative approaches to facilitate additional housing units for all Ukiah residents. A Housing Strategy adopted in 2017 by the City Council created the City’s Housing Division and the Ukiah Housing Trust Fund. These concepts and plans were incorporated into the City’s updated 2019-2027 Housing Element. Our team has pursued and been awarded grants to accelerate the City’s efforts to clear barriers to development for middle-income market-rate units.

Although not producing all the housing the community currently needs, these efforts are having impact. The Ukiah Senior Apartments project, funded in part by a $5 million HOME grant sponsored by the City, was completed in 2021 and delivered 31 units of affordable senior housing. Our team also deployed homebuyer assistance funding for first-time homebuyers. Additional housing programs and new potential housing developments are planned for 2022, and we are optimistic that these efforts and additional strategies will bring even more housing options to our community.

Public Safety: Ensuring Stable Resources and Services that Keep our Region Safe

Fire Chief Doug Hutchison

With all the beauty provided by the trees and rolling grassy hills in our region, also comes the annual threat of
devastating fires. To be prepared to address these risks, the City recently sought and received approval for the
annexation of the City of Ukiah into the Ukiah Valley Fire Protection District. The fire district annexation is the
first step in simplifying the patchwork of special districts that make up the Ukiah Valley. The annexation helps
establish a fair and equitable funding resource for fire and emergency response services for all Ukiah Valley
residents. It also helps move towards fiscal stability for the long-term benefit of Ukiah Valley residents served
by the Ukiah Valley Fire Authority.

“Providing quality fire and emergency medical services should be a top priority for every community, and I am pleased that our region is taking the right steps to modernize our governance structures in a way that improves efficiency and ensures appropriate resources are dedicated to these life-saving services.”—Fire Chief Doug Hutchison, Ukiah Valley Fire

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Recreation & Open Space: Expanding The Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah

Over the last several years, the City has been developing a rail trail that spans the entire length of the city. As a result, we now proudly host the first completed segment of the Great Redwood Trail, which will eventually span all the way from Marin to Humboldt County. The trail provides an important connection to existing bike routes as well as to the major employment and economic centers of the city.

This investment benefits us both today and into the future. The trail, complete with native plants, has proven to be an invaluable gathering area for friends and family. Additionally, by providing a means for alternate transportation, the trail reduces vehicle miles travelled in the city, offsetting the amount of carbon let into the air. We look forward to continued work in the months and years ahead to expand the trail further.

Arts and Culture: Bringing Home Grace Hudson Paintings

One of 18 Grace Hudson originals gifted to the Grace Hudson Museum

Ukiah remains committed to preserving the tremendous cultural history of our region. For this reason, we were excited to announce earlier this month the acquisition of 18 Grace Hudson paintings, gifted to Ukiah’s Grace Hudson Museum by the Palm Springs Art Museum.

The addition of these paintings will complement our existing collection of Grace Hudson paintings. The Grace Hudson Museum will feature these paintings as part of a special exhibition opening on February 4, 2022.

Looking to the Future: Ukiah 2040 General Plan

We have embarked on the updating of the City’s General Plan, a document that serves as Ukiah’s long-term framework or “constitution” for growth and development over the next 20 years. Given that the City’s General Plan
was last updated in 1995, the 2040 General Plan represents a pivotal moment for Ukiah in determining our community’s vision for the future.

General Plan updating is in process and additional workshops are planned for 2022. To participate, check out the City’s 2040 General Plan website at You can make comments, join the email list to receive announcements, or read more about the General Plan Update process.

Community Gathering: Reintroducing Sundays in the Park!

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And finally, I am beyond excited to announce that we will be bringing back a full season of Sundays in the
Park, our outdoor concert series. This summer, beginning in June, I look forward to seeing you all at
Todd Grove Park, enjoying the outdoors, food, and great music.

Despite its challenges, 2021 was a year of positive growth for our community. From all of us at the City, we wish you a happy and healthy New Year, and look forward to a promising 2022.

Sage Sangiacomo
City Manager

Redwood Valley Rancheria Tobacco Campaign
Skunk Train: Fort Bragg, California
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Dunlap Roofing
Dunlap Roofing
Dunlap Roofing
Dunlap Roofing


  1. Don’t agree with the street design on state street entry to side streets stick out to far and narrow. Tire getters . Proof curbs all black from tire rub . Not well thought out . Not to mention have to swing in orther lane to even make the turn.

  2. No mention of homeless abuse. Drink our Koolaid or get run out of town
    There should be a place where homeless can camp unmolested.
    Shelter in place is a crime in Mendocino County unless you are housed.

  3. Yes there needs to be a potters field somewhere Where the poor, unfortunate, homeless, addicted, outcast, people can be without being harassed and told to move along. Where is our humanity? We will be judged accordingly. If I had a field I would donate it. Plant some trees or bushes so people can claim their spot Every human Has to be somewhere!

    Blessed are the merciful ! They shall RECEIVE mercy! ?

    • You mean the spot where everybody goes to shoot up drugs and overdose and not be noticed that they’re dead for days on end? I’m pretty sure that space is the grass next to Jack in the Box.

  4. What’s up with all that water which has been leaking on State Street just north of the plaza since this project has been finished? There’s at least a thousand gallons of water that runs through that street every day.

  5. What would you think if I bent all your spoons just to cook up some smack for my need
    Lend me some cash and I won’t pay you back cause I have a rich habit to feed
    Still I get by when I rip off my friends
    I can get high when I rip off my friends
    I wonder why I don’t have any friends

    The drug laws created this problem
    Civil war produced 400,000 morphine addicted veterans. Many collected and sold junk to buy legal opiates. They were called junkies. No crime involved and far less medical harm.

  6. Sage your a pussy! Look at the city! You can park anywhere and live for free in Ukiah get rid of the shit in this town. You need to get out there and really see what’s going on. Fuck state street get out in the community mother fucker.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety

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