The following is a press release issued by Mendocino County Public Health:

A Mendocino County resident recently passed away with COVID-19. Our thoughts are with their family and friends.
- Death #114: 80 year-old man from the North Coast area; vaccinated with comorbidities.
Public Health asks all Mendocino County residents to consider the best ways to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19. When in doubt, consult with and follow all CDC and CDPH guidance. Vaccination, masking, and social distancing remain the best tools for combating COVID-19.
Fully vaccinated people should strongly consider getting a COVID-19 booster to improve immunity. Boosters are available for everyone age 12 and older. If you have questions about boosters or vaccines in general, speak with your doctor, or call Public Health at 707-472-2759. To find the nearest vaccine clinic in your area, please visit the Public Health website at:
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Covid deaths viral loads everyday the headlines explode
Hey there watch out for viral loads
With the smell of bleach always in the air
We forget its poison we don’t care
Hey there just fight the viral load
?Condolences to the family. I am noticing a LOT of vaccinated folk passing away and with this Omicron? It’s mild compared to the first variant of Covid so why are the vaccinated passing away with it? Could the vaccine be a factor here?
? Look at Willy… all those co morbidities and UNvaccinated. He caught Omicron and it was mild for a “deadly flu”. He is a person of great faith though. I know the Prayer made a huge difference as I far as protection for the lungs and driving the spirit of fear away. Cuz that there will get ya. You gotta drive that spirit out with the prayer of faith?
Our dependence on modern medicine and sanitation has a profound effect on the immune system. Sugar and processed food have made an epidemic of “treatable” diseases that creates the giant Pharmecuital industry. It is now bigger than oil. Go to any doctor and see how quick they are to hand out prescriptions for a brand new expensive drug. Read the fine print
I agree with you Douglas on the whole sugar & processed food thing.
We need access to clean natural food from Father Gods big beautiful green earth. It’s what He put here for us it’s what works for us. Everyone can grow something TO EAT. Even in a little pot on the window ceil. It’s fun.