The following is a post from the Mendocino National Forest Facebook Page:

Survey crews from the Covelo Ranger Station have completed the February snow survey. The crew measured an average depth of 39 inches at the Anthony Peak snow survey site. The deepest measurement was 50 inches. For comparison, average snow depth in February 2021 was 28 inches, and in February 2020, it was 26 inches.
“The snow has melted significantly since last month, but an average 39 inches is still good for February,” said Fire Engine Captain Conroy Coleman.
“We were able to get over Mendocino Pass without driving over snow. It was a beautiful day. The snow was pretty hard packed, so we got to the site relatively quickly.”
The next snow surveys will take place at the beginning of March, if weather and road conditions are favorable.
The snow surveys are part of the California Cooperative Snow Surveys, which is funded by the State and part of the California Department of Water Resources.
Historical snow data is available here: