The following is a press release issued by the Willits Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On February 2nd, 2022 at about 2:00 AM, Willits PD (WPD) Officers were dispatched to the 1000 block of Locust St regarding an assault with a firearm.
The reporting party stated there had been an altercation at the above location involving several family members, causing the victim and her family to leave the residence. As the victim, her boyfriend, and two children were attempting to leave in their vehicle, suspect Riley Rogers-Wood, exited the residence and shot at them three times with a bolt-action rifle. At least one round struck the passenger-side rearview mirror, narrowly missing the reporting party’s husband.
Rogers-Wood then retreated back into the residence, which was occupied by his girlfriend (an adult female) and their newborn child, effectively barricading himself inside.
WPD Officers, with the assistance of Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) Deputies, arrived and attempted to make contact with the suspect via their patrol vehicles’ Public Address (PA) system. Rogers-Wood ultimately exited from the house and surrendered about 15 minutes later. He was arrested without incident. There were no injuries sustained by any of the individuals involved or by responding law enforcement officers.
Officers recovered shell casings, the firearm was recovered, and two separate bullet impacts were located on scene. As the direction of fire was east towards the Baechtel Grove Middle School fields, WPD Officers canvased the area of the school and were unable to locate the third outstanding bullet impact on the school grounds or elsewhere. School was not in session at the time.
Near a school ground even though children were not present! What if they were present? At a vehicle with people inside? This guy needs to go away for a very long time. Mendoland is not not San Francisco or LA. Yet. A harsh example should be made.
And they let him right back out grrr
On a 100k bail.
Rare that bail is denied for anything but capital crimes….very old practice in 50 states.
Perhaps he thought they were shooting a movie and the rifle was just a prop. Works for Alex Baldwin
A song I wrote years ago during my wonderful 5150 experience. Under 24 hour guard at local ER because there are no beds for 5150 in California
Now the stress is building I’m going to blow
Deep psychosis I hope you know
Extremely agitated and disturbed
Every button pushed brings gnashing jaw
Veins are bulging on neck and brow
It’s sure to be a major episode
So quickly grab stuff and flee
Seek some distance for safety
Have the tasers charged and set to go
I’m going on a rampage
Sharing my unbridled rage
Mayhem is the only focused goal
sorry John Denver
As I sang this the Staff at Ukiah scribbled furiously in their notebooks. Did you know 5150 is a major trigger event for veterans with PTSD? A nice garden with soft music is much more Therapudic
I’ve never attempted suicide or homicide yet the shrinks declare both are my certain future. But here take theses drugs and drool
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
You’d better not shout you better not cry
Better not scream I’m telling you why
Thorazine is calming you down
Better not heed that voice in your head
Don’t follow orders that aliens said
Cause Thorazine is calming you down
When you are acting psycho lost in a manic state
If you think your the messiah
It’s a great way to sedate
Please don’t shed your clothes at the mall
Or hammer your head upon a brick wall
Cause Thorazine is calming you down
Do not stand on the Golden Gate rail
Or slice your wrists while waiting in jail
Cause Thorazine is calming you down
When you are schizophrenic standing on a ledge
They promise Phenothiazines will keep you from the edge
Don’t let dinner rest in your beard
Or frighten good folks by screaming in fear
Cause Thorazine is calming you down
Covid 19 mandates all criminals are free to go and bums and addicts are now precious resources for the community of cliwns.