The following is a press release issued by Senator Mike McGuire’s Office:

The dire impacts of the climate crisis are taking hold across the planet and right here at home in the Golden State. It’s clear that climate change has made California, and the American West, significantly warmer and drier over the past 30 years and scientific predictions for the next half century are downright startling.
That’s why Senator McGuire is moving forward a critical resolution – which was a policy proposal brought forward by student leaders from Sonoma Academy – that would declare a climate crisis emergency here in the State of California.
Senator McGuire’s SCR 53 passed overwhelmingly and with bipartisan support in the State Senate, 30-4.
“Californians have historically led this nation on emission reduction efforts and we must redouble our focus to combat this growing crisis,” Senator Mike McGuire said. “This crisis is evolving faster than anticipated and we couldn’t be more inspired by these dedicated student leaders for demanding immediate action. We agree with them: The time to act is now.”
Last year, Senator McGuire met with high school students from Sonoma Academy who were deeply concerned about the worsening climate crisis conditions and how it will impact their future. Their passion was inspiring.
“Declaring a climate emergency is a big step in the right direction and will pave the way for new and bold climate legislation,” said Izzy Weaver, who is a junior at Sonoma Academy. “California has also been a very influential leader in climate change so we hope this can be a call to action for states everywhere because the time is running out to save the planet and create a livable future for generations to come.”
“This type of resolution, declaring an official climate emergency, has been passed in lots of communities, counties, and regions,” said Talulah Juniper, also a junior at Sonoma Academy. “It makes it easier to take real action. When we started working on this, no resolutions had been passed at the state level. California has been a leader and role model to other states on these issues, so it just makes sense that we would eventually pass one.”
In addition to $15 billion in funding the Legislature and Governor advanced last year to tackle the growing climate crisis here in California, the State Senate will be advancing one of the largest climate action legislative packages in recent memory later this year. Senator McGuire co-chairs the Climate Action Working Group.
Still, more needs to be done. “If we don’t act now to mitigate climate change – our kids’ lives, our grandkids’ lives – will be impacted forever,” Senator Mike McGuire said. “It’s going to take all of us working together to advance bold solutions to this pressing challenge which is why, through the leadership of President Toni Atkins, the Senate will be advancing one of the boldest climate action packages in recent memory later this year.”
What about all the other climate taxes we’ve been paying? 15 billion dollars?! Where the hell has that gone? We can’t pay more taxes!
What concrete actions are being done ? This text is very vague…
Climate change is such a hoax
Cause Rush Limbaugh told me so
Liberals destroy the world
Bleeding hearts make me hurl
Yes I’m Christian Yes I’m a Christian Yes I’m a Christian
I told the Devil so
and to the tune of Take The Longway Home
So you don’t believe in climate change
Watch the planet being rearranged
Pack your go bag now
Pack your go bag now
I love California for its scenery
But now the greenery is turning bron