The following is a press release from the Willits Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On March 6th, 2022, at approximately 3:45pm, Willits PD (WPD) Officers were dispatched to a report of domestic violence on Central Ave. and Barbara Lane. Witnesses initially reported what appeared to be a female being thrown, or having fallen, from a moving vehicle. The male was also described as chasing the female victim.
The involved parties were contacted at a nearby business. During the course of the investigation, witnesses reported observing the male suspect, Kirk Freitas, picking up and throwing the female victim onto the ground. Additionally, the witnesses reported observing Freitas throw a cell phone at the female, missing her, and shattering a window to their vehicle. The female victim suffered visible injuries during the incident. She was treated at Howard Memorial Hospital for her injuries.
WPD Officers determined the crime of 273.5 PC (Domestic Violence) had occurred and Freitas was arrested and booked for the above-listed charge. Neither Freitas or the victim are residents of Willits and were traveling through, when their argument broke out. WPD would like to thank the citizens who got involved and interceded on behalf of the victim and attended to her prior to WPD personnel arriving on the scene.
WPD encourages victims of domestic violence to contact their local law enforcement agencies. Resources are available to those in need.
In Mendocino County, Project Sanctuary is an emergency shelter, with locations in Ukiah (707) 462-9196 and Fort Bragg (707) 961-1507. Project Sanctuary also has crisis counselors available via telephone: Inland (707) 463-4357, and Coast (707) 964-4357.
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men experience sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetimes.
The following are domestic violence resources available in Mendocino County and surrounding areas:
- Mendocino County
- Contact a crisis counselor at Project Sanctuary by calling (707)463-4357.
- Humboldt County
- Call Humboldt Domestic Violence Services at (707)443-6042 or at 1-866-668-6543
- Trinity County
- Contact the Human Response Network at (530)623-2024
- Lake County
- Contact the Lake Family Resource Center community crisis line at 1(888)485-7733.
- Sonoma County
- Contact the YWCA Domestic Violence Hotline at (707)546-1234