Scanner traffic and the California Highway Patrol Traffic Incident Information page indicate a “bad traffic collision” has occurred at approximately 5:28 p.m. on State Route 20 east of Potter Valley near the Buffalo Ranch.
Three vehicles are involved in the collision (a blue Mini Cooper, a black Ford SUV, and a blue truck) and the collision requires extrication.
Multiple vehicles are reportedly pulled over on the side of the road and the drivers are attempting to get parties out of the involved vehicles. There are injuries as a result of the collision but the exact nature of them is unknown at this point.
Both the west and eastbound lanes of State Route 20 are blocked, but vehicles are reportedly driving around the scene.
UPDATE 5:42 p.m: Tragic updates are being broadcasted over the scanner currently. The incident has resulted in one confirmed fatality and the Incident Commander states between five to six patients have suffered moderate to major injuries. More ambulances are being requested to the scene.
State Route 20 is being shut down as a result of the incident.
UPDATE 6:35 p.m.: Scanner traffic indicates one-way traffic control is now in place using the eastbound lane as the thoroughfare. The Mini Cooper reportedly experienced major front-end damage and is being towed from the scene.
The Caltrans Quickmap traffic is significantly impacted east of the accident.

Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.